
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 676 to 700 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Andrew Laird

    After seeing the various paperwork and hearing the few answers Sunnica could adequately answer to pertinent and relevant questions I cannot believe that this application has got this far already.... Read more

  • Archie Stewart

    I would like to register my objection to Sunnica, my father trained in Newmarket and I spent my early years watching horses work on the world famous Limekilns. I now work in racing and live in... Read more

  • Brenda Downey

    I am a very concerned Mum and Grandma letting this solar farm being built do close to my and surrounding villages. ..The danger of these units make me very frightened one will say now safe these... Read more

  • British Transport Police (British Transport Police)

    In principle I have no objections with regards to this application of Sunnica Energy Farm, however, British Transport Police, is willing to provide further guidance and advice to help clarify the... Read more

  • Catherine Swan

    The proposed buildings should not be built on agricultural land as we need to ensure our food security during these turbulent times. The energy storage batteries are too dangerous to be built close to... Read more

  • Chris Binks

    I reject the Sunnica application fully, I live in the village of Isleham here are some of the reasons to my objection. Disruption to my daily life and routine due to; • increased traffic, through the... Read more

  • Christine Savage-Hamlin

    I understand that there any many who don't want this built, I also understand that we are putting more strain on the country's national grid system with amongst other things the electric car, if we... Read more

  • Claire Tilbrook

    - wholly inadequate consultation of the affected villages. - landscaping plans seen to date wholly inadequate and unlikely to shield any impact for several years at least. - construction period will... Read more

  • Colin Eddison

    It's a massive construction project so there will be a great deal of heavy construction traffic passing through. It's being built on productive arable farm land so will reduce the amount of food we... Read more

  • Daniel Cant

    I am opposed to the current Sunnica proposal for a number of reasons. Firstly it is far too large for the surrounding area, taking a massive amount of the green space and quality agricultural land... Read more

  • David Andrew Clegg

    I am writing to object to the proposed Sunnica development close to my village for the following reasons:- The sheer scale of this development in a rural community. Whilst recent events have... Read more

  • Dean Alford

    Devalue property price Building works will interfere with daily commute Lack of local jobs

  • Dena Thompson

    I do not agree with putting these huge batteries on our arable land

  • Diana Jones

    1. In this more and more unstable world the UK needs to be more self-sufficient, especially in the need to feed ourselves. The land proposed to be used for the Sunnica project is highly productive by... Read more

  • Diane Fuller

    Good morning, I have a very strong objection to this massive unsafe eyesore. We live in a beautiful area of unspoilt Suffolk, we produce food and this area is the place for the sport of kings. It is... Read more

  • Lesley Burge on behalf of Doreen Bettell (Doreen Bettell)

    - Worried about loss of farmland. - Negative change to countryside - Concerned about fire safety and any other potential impact of battery storage units - We should find other areas to locate solar... Read more

  • Dr Karen Chaudhry

    I reject the Sunnica application fully, I live in the village of Isleham and there is only one field between our property and the solar farm. Objections include: Loss of agricultural land - whilst... Read more

  • Fiona Ferguson

    This scheme is totally unacceptable. Destroying acres of much needed farmland, local employment and scenes of natural beauty amongst so many other factors.It will also affect the property prices, the... Read more

  • G Halliwell

    I feel that the size of the site is too big ,taking over land that should be used for food production . The land is Sandy and not perhaps suitable for arable crops but perhaps for animals . With the... Read more

  • GDPR Protected 001

    The solar panels would cause more pollution after they have been used. It also takes up a lot of free space for farming. It would also put a risk to the houses in the area because they are prone to... Read more

  • Graham Hopkins

    I understand that there any many objections to this proposal, and I understand people's concerns, but I feel that in the current climate, that projects like this are essential to replace the existing... Read more

  • Ian Hawkins

    The proposed solar and battery power plant will waste 2800 acres of productive arable farm land growing vegetable and cereal crops, as this country is not food self sufficient thousands of tons of... Read more

  • Ivy Elaine Attree

    Very concerned regarding traffic of high volume regarding 700 staff ,vans, heavy duty lorries and construction deliveries for 6 days a week for two years going past our house, as all roads quoted for... Read more

  • Jane Grant

    This industrial battery storage/solar farm proposal is in the wrong place. It is close to villages and is using good agricultural land which is used for food production. The battery storage is a fire... Read more

  • Janette Dart

    The proposed work will cause major disruption in the area making local journeys longer and problematic. The character of the surrounding land will be changed forever. Construction vehicles will clog... Read more