
Sheringham and Dudgeon Extension Projects

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 26 to 50 of 130 representations, newest first.

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  • Paul Middleton

    I am a landowner in Weybourne where Equinor’s proposed cable will run through . The points I raise will be those I think are pertinent and help to other land owners who are in a similar position to... Read more

  • Andrew McCall

    The village of Bodham is well know as a tranquil village within the beautiful North Norfolk countryside. I suspect the laying of a cable for this project will encroach and disrupt activity in the... Read more

  • Garvestone, Reymerston and Thuxton Parish Council (Garvestone, Reymerston and Thuxton Parish Council)

    I am writing on behalf of Garvestone, Reymerston and Thuxton Parish Council who would like to register to be an interested party. The cable routes have not yet been detailed and therefore may or may... Read more

  • Paul Clarke

    The whole process is un clear. Please will someone set up an appointment to visit communities to explain all you wish to do. I have watched hours online, I have read the expensive letters you have... Read more

  • Christopher Hughes

    Dear Sirs, I am the owner of Dell Lodge, [Redacted]. I have received details of this application through my tenants who are in residence in this property. My interests relate to potential temporary... Read more

  • Ashill Parish Council (Ashill Parish Council)

    My Parish Council has great concerns in regard to HGV traffic impacts, road closures and diversions all of which we have experienced over the work at Necton Norfolk. The environmental impact on rural... Read more

  • Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind (Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind)

    Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Ltd is a joint venture between TotalEnergies and Corio Generation (wholly owned by Macquarie’s Green Investment Group Limited). Having been awarded Preferred Bidder Status... Read more

  • Norfolk County Council (Norfolk County Council )

    Norfolk County Council responded to an earlier consultation on the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) in June 2021; and supported the principle of these Extension Projects subject to... Read more

  • Barford and Wramplingham Parish Council (Barford and Wramplingham Parish Council)

    Barford and Wramplingham PC objects in the strongest way possible to this DCO application as follows: 1. Lack of proper consideration by the Applicant of an alternative, more appropriate, grid... Read more

  • Norfolk Local Access Forum (Norfolk Local Access Forum)

    Norfolk Local Access Forum broadly supports the Outline Public Rights of Way Strategy set out. It recognises that there will be inevitable impact on communities along the route, and believes they are... Read more

  • Oulton Parish Council (Oulton Parish Council)

    Relevant Representation from Oulton Parish Council? Oulton parish is currently impacted by Orsted’s now consented Hornsea Project Three Main Construction Compound, which will be in situ for many years... Read more

  • Hevingham Parish Council (Hevingham Parish Council)

    Hevingham Parish Councils principal submissions are: - consideration needs to be given to HGV traffic impacts (noise, vibration, emissions), road closures and diversions. - consideration needs to be... Read more

  • Jonathan Paul Betts

    I object in the strongest way possible to this DCO application as follows: 1. Lack of proper consideration by the Applicant of an alternative, more appropriate, grid connection point The Applicant... Read more

  • Sandra Betts

    I object in the strongest way possible to this DCO application as follows: 1. Lack of proper consideration by the Applicant of an alternative, more appropriate, grid connection point The Applicant... Read more

  • UK Health Security Agency (UK Health Security Agency)

    Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) (formerly Public Health England)... Read more

  • Yvonne Odrowaz-Pieniazek

    Equinor and their representatives have stated that HDD trefoil formation would be used some 32m from my house boundary. I have been very clear about my concerns regarding EMF radiation and health... Read more

  • IOG plc (IOG plc)

    IOG North Sea Limited, a subsidiary of IOG plc, is the Licence Administrator and Operator, and a Licence Beneficiary, of UKCS Production Licences P1736 and P2260 (blocks 48/22 and 48/23), containing... Read more

  • Bidwells (Bidwells) on behalf of John Roger Barnard (John Roger Barnard)

    The following need further/better consultation and consideration:- ? Drainage – existing drainage schemes must be considered at an early stage in the projects together with the reinstatement... Read more

  • Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Board (Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Board)

    The development area is partially within the Internal Drainage District (IDD) of the Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Board (NRIDB) and the Board is the regulator for several elements of the proposed... Read more

  • Bidwells (Bidwells) on behalf of Peter Gowing & Partners (Peter Gowing & Partners)

    The following need further/better consultation and consideration:- ? Drainage – existing drainage schemes must be considered at an early stage in the projects together with the reinstatement... Read more

  • Ceres Rural (Ceres Rural) on behalf of Trustees of the B E Brooks 1983 Settlement (Trustees of the B E Brooks 1983 Settlement)

    Representations will me made relating to the impacts of the proposed scheme concerning access, working areas, treatment of soils during construction, boundary treatment along with other practical... Read more

  • Ceres Rural (Ceres Rural) on behalf of Woodlands Farm (Woodlands Farm)

    Representations will me made relating to the impacts of the proposed scheme concerning access, working areas, treatment of soils during construction, boundary treatment along with other practical... Read more

  • Savills (Savills) on behalf of Betts Family (Betts Family)

    Our client has an interest as their land is affected by the Project and would like to reserve the right to be able to make representations should it be necessary on the following issues; 1.... Read more

  • Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent Gas Limited)

    Representation by Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent) to the Sheringham and Dudgeon Extension Projects Development Consent Order (DCO) Cadent is a licensed gas transporter under the Gas Act 1986, with a... Read more

  • Savills (Savills) on behalf of D Wegg Esq (D Wegg Esq)

    Our client has an interest as their land is affected by the Project and would like to reserve the right to be able to make representations should it be necessary on the following issues; 1.... Read more