
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 26 to 50 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • Deirdre Sturgess

    I am waiting to see further information on the proposed development.

  • Dorothy Duffy

    I don’t think putting an incinerator in a built up area is a responsible thing to do. It will be too close to homes and schools and there is real concern what the resultant fumes etc will do to our... Read more

  • Dr S Lawrence

    The road infrastructure towards Wisbech is already inadequate and would not be able to sustain increased traffic of heavy vehicles. The air, visual, and noise pollution is not in the interest of the... Read more

  • Elizabeth Oselton

    This incinerator is proposed to generate over 50 megawatts of power. Consequently, hundreds of thousands of tonnes of non-recyclable waste will be brought to Wisbech each year in order to fuel this.... Read more

  • Elizbeth Samson

    The main concern is the health of the people of Wisbech especially those in the close area ie the schools and housing estates plus the inability of our road systems to cope with the large amount of... Read more

  • Emily Thorpe

    This incinerator will bring so much traffic to the town which already struggles it takes me so long I. The morning to get around the Elm hall roundabout if this is built will bring so much more... Read more

  • Garry Monger

    The effect on the environment, soils, water and air. The adverse health effects on residents. The consequential demand on local health resources. The effects on roads and traffic flows. The negative... Read more

  • Gary Veasey

    Potential health issues due to affect on air quality. Major environment implications of such a large facility in a small Georgian town. Major increase in traffic due to all the extra lorries need, on... Read more

  • George Wilson

    I am in full support of the facility and believe it will be a major asset for Wisbech providing employment for local people both during construction and in operation, I believe the applicant has shown... Read more

  • Georgina martin

    This proposed incinerator will be harmful to my homelife, health and property value, it should be placed somewhere much more isolated than in a town, there are many new homes being built in this area,... Read more

  • Gillian Goodchild

    I am extremely concerned about the impact of the increased amount of traffic on our roads!! The infrastructure of this town is the same now as it was 50 years ago, when I was a child, and our roads... Read more

  • Glenn David Shales

    This is a non starter for anyone with a modicum of sense and decency. The local road network, A47 and the routes leading up to the proposed site are unsuitable for the current level of traffic let... Read more

  • Jan Hutchinson on behalf of Hutchinsons

    There is no dual carriageway or railway access to Wisbech. Consequently, the 400 or so HGV journeys in and out of the town every day needed to feed this plant 24/7 will have to travel via the already... Read more

  • Ian W Cooper

    The proposed incineration capacity is o longer required for the 30 year plant life. The additional cost of importing wastes to maintain the plant in operation means that the plant will be uneconomic.... Read more

  • Jacqueline Barwell

    Wisbech does not have the road infrastructure to deal with this volume of traffic. The siting of this, would be near 3 schools, an Eye Clinic & retail outlets.

  • Jacqueline Shanks

    The traffic is already way too much for such a small town. The smell will affect the air. House prices will fall and the town will become known as a tipping ground more than it already is. By agreeing... Read more

  • Jade Burns

    The project for a mega incinerator in the town of Wisbech is a farce. The road infrastructure already cannot cope with the amount of traffic we get, we’re on one of the only areas of the A47 to still... Read more

  • James Green

    Obsurd location for an incinerator.

  • Janice Sandom

    I shall comment when I have read more information.

  • jaswinder rao

    this project should not be allowed to be built in residential area as it will affect public health

  • Jayne Bridgeland

    Health issues Our roads are not capable of all the lorries coming and going. An eyesore

  • Jennifer Alison Shippey

    I object to the building of this mega incinerator in my home town as documented by the World Health Organisation- there is no safe level of particulates. The emissions from this incinerator will... Read more

  • John Prior

    Comments regarding planned infrastructure

  • Jonathan Bowman Thompson

    There are many things to say, probably too many against this project. So I'll just summarise the core points. Firstly it's going to be an absolute eyesore, just its visual presence will hurt house... Read more

  • Joyce Fry

    Putting this incinerator in a built up area will impact on the area, and people living in it. It will create pollution, and is detrimental to peoples health. These things should be built in isolated... Read more