
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 476 to 500 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • John Edward Knott


  • Karen Scott Champion

    Please ensure that due to Wisbech being close to parts of Lincolnsire and Norfolk that these Counties are given full consultation on the proposed facility. Both Wisbech and Kings Lynn have areas of... Read more

  • Kevin Wilshire

    I have concerns about the extra traffic on the already congested roads around the town plus the smell

  • Martin Field

    Incinerating waste is not a sustainable way of managing waste or generating power. It contributes greenhouse gas emissions, not only from the incineration process itself, but also in the... Read more

  • Premierchoice Limited

    Substantial increase to traffic on an already hazardous road, noise,mess,disruption, construction pollution, impact on our employees safety.

  • Rose Merrilees

    Incineration is outdated and flies in the face of the UK's ambition to become carbon neutral by 2050. It should be the last resort for waste which can be recycled or reused and in fact has the effect... Read more

  • Thomas Pearson

    Waste should be recycled, not burnt. This does not discourage unnecessary wastage. The prevailing Southwesterlies will bring pollutants over my area of Nofolk.

  • Henry Michael Head

    All the statutory consultees have objected and I am at a loss to know why this application has reached this stage when there is an oversupply of incinerators in the East of England. Furthermore,... Read more

  • Linda Jean Edwards

    I am very concerned about the pollution that will be engendered by this development over a large area of Wisbech and its surrounds. The development is in an area of Wisbech close to schools and houses... Read more

  • Madeleine Ruth Johnson

    Huge increase in traffic on A47 Pollution of the environment Increasing the Greenhouse effect There are more environmentally ways of generating electricity

  • P W Gleaves

    To know more of what's going on

  • Peter Boulton

    This proposed development of an incinerator will greatly impact everyone's day to day life in Wisbech. Traffic is atrocious as it is but adding numerous trucks etc would leave the roads at a stand... Read more

  • Richard Brown

    Health aspects

  • Richard Brown

    The Incinerator at Wisbech will be a health hazard for people living in the Kings Lynn area as the prevailing wind is a South Westerly and will spread particulates over NW Norfolk. It will also be... Read more

  • Andrew Taylor

    All the statutory consultees have objected - indeed Norfolk County Council passed a unanimous motion against the incinerator. The Wisbech incinerator will add to an existing over supply of... Read more

  • Christopher Dallison

    The prevailing winds in this area are south westerly and so airborne pollutants will be carried to and dropped on our area: Wisbech is the wrong place for an incinerator - if an incinerator has to be... Read more

  • Robert Colwell

    The local population are scared. They do not want this incinerator. The plume modelling suggests areas such as Roydon Common, Site of Special Scientific Interest, could be at risk. Neighbouring West... Read more

  • Simon James Harris

    The potential of the Wisbech Incinerator to damage the health of the population - including myself - up wind of it.

  • Stephen Masterson

    This project is completely unacceptable for the proposed site. This is due to the chosen location. The size of the facility cannot be safely accommodated. The number of vehicle movements it would... Read more

  • Albert Edward Eaglen

    Health reasons. Not all particles or gases are captured or minitored by filters in the chimney stack. With prevailing winds particulates will decend on King's Lynn. Waste can, and should be , reused... Read more

  • King's Lynn Internal Drainage Board (King's Lynn Internal Drainage Board)

    The development area is partially within the Internal Drainage District (IDD) of the King’s Lynn Internal Drainage Board (IDB) and the Board are the regulator for several elements of the proposed... Read more

  • Unite Community Union Le/00021 (Unite Community Union Le/00021)

    We will be commenting on the adverse effect of this scheme on the lives of our members and on its serious employment consequences.

  • Debra Brenner

    Pollution, traffic.

  • Kevin Waddington

    Waste can and should be recycle; Health issues - not all particulates and captured and monitored - they cause acidification of the soil, and with prevailing south westerly winds be blown to King's... Read more

  • Mark Timothy Bradberry

    With a 90 metre chimney stack and a predominately south westerly wind particulate matter, including traces of cancer causing dioxins, will be spread over a wide area, yet the firm only consulted... Read more