
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 126 to 150 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • K Payne

    I shall comment after seeing examination information

  • Kim Fulcher

    Will withhold until time to discuss

  • Linda Clarke

    Unnecessary, Detrimental impact all round Danger to Health Danger to Wildlife Danger to Reservoirs Danger to Waterways Danger to Grade 1 soil

  • Margaret Jane Horscroft

    The proposed incinerator is extremely close to several schools, housing estates and shops and factories. Air pollution is a huge concern as climate change is so important. The road infrastructure... Read more

  • Martin Norman

    Due to the increase in volume of traffic on the A47 and the town roads and rural roads the roads are unable to sustain more heavy vehicles coming in to the area. As for the increase in pollution they... Read more

  • Mary Cowan

    Ridiculous proposal in the middle of a town

  • Maureen Fernley

    I object to this proposal, the roads around here are busy enough without lorries bringing other areas of waste in. It is also right in the centre of town, near houses and s large school. I think the... Read more

  • Michael Hodgskins

    sited to close to schools detrimental to existing infrastructure. devaluation to existing homeowners health reasons if the proposed energy provided will it benefit the local industry and public

  • Michael Stephen Barratt

    This proposal is utterly out of proportion to the location selected. It is also not required.

  • Michelle Mary Elaine Wilson

    This huge plant would involve long lorry journeys from a wide area of the country and considerable volumes of traffic. The local infrastructure could not handle this volume of HGV movement. At times... Read more

  • Mick Bellamy

    Increased health issues caused by pollutants from the incinerator directly & from additional vehicle movements. Smells from the vehicles & waste in the incinerator property. Disruption due to in lack... Read more

  • Nicholas Williams

    I am anxious about the potential damage to our air quality, to the health of our townsfolk, to our farmlands, to the safe and efficient working of our already overstretched traffic system and to the... Read more

  • Nicola Carr

    .Air pollution and risk to health causing ill health such as cancer, heart disease, premature births and deaths .Extremely expensive causing towns and cities getting in to large amounts of debt... Read more

  • Nigel Dyer

    The road structure in Wisbech and surrounding area cannot support the hundreds of extra HGV movements involved with the building and operation of this project. The project location is too close to... Read more

  • Owen Dobson

    Increased lorry traffic into town will be disruptive. Obvious environmental impact from incinerator. Several schools in the near vicinity of incinerator site. Impact on property value in the area for... Read more

  • Pamela Fenton

    I am alarmed that this incinerator will be built at this site in Wisbech on the A47. The A47 is congested at the best of times & in the summer months it becomes a stationary route. In addition, this... Read more

  • Paul Bennett

    This application for. Mega Incinerator in Wisbech is all about making money. I does not take into account people's health concerns and the significant amount of traffic entering and leaving the site.... Read more

  • Philip Abrosimov

    Extremely disappointing news that Planning Inspectorate accepted enormous incinerator application for examination without completing proper pre-steps with local community which will result in hundreds... Read more

  • Phill Green

    I will make my comments when I have view new information

  • PJ Bryant

    I object to the proposal on the following grounds It's siting within the UK is entirely inappropriate The increase in traffic levels is unsustainable for the highways network in the area. The A47 is a... Read more

  • Robin Clapperton

    No comments just now.

  • Rosemary Elliott

    * pollutants from the plant reducing the air quality in the area * increase in traffic on roads that are already congested and in events such as road closures following accidents etc. Alternative... Read more

  • Sarah Perks

    Local people cannot be placed in such close proximity to such a development, the people who live here have the right to a healthy environment to live and raise the future generations. I oppose this... Read more

  • Scarlett Georgia Housden

    Do not want this to go ahead

  • Sharon Housden

    How can it even be considered an incinerator would be built in a town. This will affect the residence of Wisbech and surrounding villages quality of life both mentally and physically . A blot on the... Read more