
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 176 to 200 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • Darren Exell

    This incinerator will cause massive traffic issues in and around Wisbech. It's also located near to a Secondary school with lots of children that walk to the school. There have been many pedestrian... Read more

  • Darrin Parish

    The issues I have with the project are the location in reference to schools, the increased road traffic and subsequent increase in pollution. Wisbech is a historic market town with many Georgian... Read more

  • David Granville Thomas Veal

    The whole project is a health hazard in many ways. Firstly emissions on surrounding area. Secondly the carbon footprint. Thirdly infrastructure i.e. roads. Fourthly. Pollution caused by excessive road... Read more

  • David Salmon

    I consider this project to be wholly unsuitable for the locality, primarily due to the undoubted congestion to the local roads that the additional traffic to the facility will create but also due to... Read more

  • David Sharpe

    I strongly oppose proposals for a mega incinerator to be built in Fenland. These proposals would involve over 300 lorry movements a day, bringing both household and commercial waste from up to a 2... Read more

  • Dawn-marie Webber

    I would like to object to these plans I recently moved to Wisbech and [redacted] . The last thing I need after having [redacted] to be added to the rest of my health conditions is toxins breathed in... Read more

  • Dennis white

    This site should not go ahead due to the nearby school & houses. This will add so much more traffic to the towns poor infrastructure of roads & also the effect on the health of local people, it’s all... Read more

  • Diana Boarer

    I am very disappointed that the Planning Inspectorate has decided to accept this application for consideration, especially after the local councils had rejected the proposal unequivocally. A report... Read more

  • Diana Coe

    I strongly object to the proposed mega incinerator in Wisbech on grounds of the impact on the health of local residents and school children in the vicinity there will be many lorries servicing this... Read more

  • Diane Beard

    I and my family object wholeheartedly to this I proposed project, although I realise that it would create loads of jobs the environmental and health impact on this area is too much of a sacrifice.

  • Eimantas Vileikis

    It would bring hundreds of lorries to the town every day and the area does not have the infrastructure to cope with that level of traffic. The impact a facility like this will have on the local... Read more

  • Eleanor Brown-Ahern

    Such a development in an already congested and built up area is abhorrent. The local schools will be in the fall out of this proposal and the infrastructure of roads can barely cope as it is. The... Read more

  • Eleanor Harris

    I strongly oppose proposals for a mega incinerator to be built in Fenland. These proposals would involve over 300 lorry movements a day, bringing both household and commercial waste from up to a 2... Read more

  • Hannah Campagna

    I do not want the incinerator built in my town as I have grave concerns about its impact on health and the environment. I have survived multiple autoimmune diseases and do not wish to add cancer to... Read more

  • Helen Mary Allmond

    The planned Incinerator will cause a detrimental impact on the already overloaded roads with extra heavy goods traffic. This area has no main dual carriageways or a sturdy infrastructure for the heavy... Read more

  • Icon Engineering (Wisbech) Ltd (Icon Engineering (Wisbech) Ltd)

    I will be commenting once I have examined the information

  • Janet Vint

    My house is on the A1101 not far from the A47 Elme Hall roundabout junction. I already have long queues of lorries, farm vehicles and cars every day outside my door and the whole house shakes at night... Read more

  • Jayne Suzanne Reeve

    Health , traffic

  • Jevan Oakley

    The proposed incinerator will make living here unbearable. The roads are already overly congested and the addition of lorries full of steaming filth will be the death of the area. The environmental... Read more

  • John Gallagher

    This is a terrible choice for a plant of this type. No rail link, poor road infrastructure and in the middle of a large town.

  • Julie Priscilla Williams

    I object to the building of this large incineration plant near my home town of Wisbech because * It cannot help but cause further traffic chaos on a road system that's already overloaded * The... Read more

  • Kathryn Severn

    Having neglected Fenland and Wisbech for years so that the area has become run down and poorly served, there is now this proposal to build a massive incinerator plant not far from swathes of... Read more

  • Kelly Wilshire

    I am concerned about the impact on the traffic and air pollution on the area. I have a two year old who will grow up in this area and maybe in the town long after I’ve gone and I don’t want to suffer... Read more

  • Kenneth John Smart

    This project takes no account of the already inadequate infrastructure in the area and will adversely affect people's health with noise and traffic pollution as well as emissions from the plant

  • Kieran Garrett

    The area does not have the infrastructure to support the extra traffic this will bring, the road network can’t and does not support our current level of traffic. This area of the country is the only... Read more