
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 601 to 650 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • Elizabeth Jane Jones

    opposes the proposal . Further comments once she has examined the application documents

  • Emma Taylor

    Pollution to health. Loss of job's due to incinerator fumes to other close businesses. Traffic congestion due to volume of vehicles and roads are unsuitable. Affect on the housing market prices in an... Read more

  • Engineering & Factory Supplies Ltd (Engineering & Factory Supplies Ltd)

    As a business situated on the industrial estate where this project is going to be built, it is important for us to note our rejection against this project. The impact on our business as well as the... Read more

  • F&W Taylor Ltd (F&W Taylor Ltd)

    We are a local family business established 50 years ago and have built up a portfolio of commercial properties renting to mainly local businesses. Already for us and our tenants the stigma surrounding... Read more

  • Fenland District Council (Fenland District Council)

    Please see attached relevant representation

  • Formed Fabrication Ltd (Formed Fabrication Ltd)

    Concerned about health, loss of jobs in surrounding area. Impact on trade to local businesses including my own. Not enough back up infrastructure in place to cope with the traffic it would create.

  • Frances Arden

    I have serious concerns about the impact of an incinerator of this size on the physical and mental health of local residents, especially young people at the school within the immediate proximity of... Read more

  • G Martin

    Living 9.98 miles (as the crow flies) from this proposed incinerator I object to planning consent being given on the grounds of human health impact and environmental impact. The UK has incineration... Read more

  • Heather Knott

    The proposed site is too close to schools, housing and shopping areas. The traffic is already bad enough now and long queues with all those lorries would make it horrendous. The health issues and the... Read more

  • Helen Janice Mowat

    This is totally unsuitable to be sited so close to town. The traffic will be far too much for our town infrastructure also roads are very bad now so would deteriorate massively.

  • Helen Scott

    As I have to take my children to Wisbech college I am concerned about the increased traffic on the roads. As it is at the moment some days it can take upto 45 minutes to do an 8 mile journey. I am... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    Historic England The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (HBMCE) is better known as Historic England, and we are the Government’s adviser on all aspects of the historic environment... Read more

  • Holly Jayne Jefferis

    A lot has already been said and documented regarding this project, but our voices as individuals and businesses still seem to be ignored. The Fens is known for its flat land and scenic views – yet you... Read more

  • Hundred of Wisbech Internal Drainage Board (Hundred of Wisbech Internal Drainage Board)

    Our Ref. GM/346/PL/1542 (Please quote this reference on any correspondence) Relevant Representations for Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility Development Consent Order at... Read more

  • James Chase

    From someone who has lived in wisbech all my life I cannot express enough how upset it makes me to think that this could happen. How can this be a good idea to build an incinerator in this small... Read more

  • Jayne Sinnott

    I work directly opposite where this proposed site will be. I am very concerned about the health implications as well as the traffic infrastructure.

  • Jean Mary Jones

    Oppose. Reserve right to comment once have reviewed the application documents

  • Joanne Chase

    Wisbech has seen a sad decline over the past years from what was a beautiful and thriving town, but hopefully it is not too late for things to improve and is still a lovely part of the country to live... Read more

  • John Jefferis

    Much has already been said and documented but the main areas of concern are health risks from pollutants and a responsibility to our children and grandchildren for their well-being of them and their... Read more

  • John Woods

    This is a very bad idea as the town is already grid locked with traffic. Then there is the stench that will come from Tonnes of rotting waste which will attract rat & seagulls. Due to the last "heath... Read more

  • Judi Knights

    With increasingly hot, dry summers, low water levels of both public, and farm reservoirs (our own farm reservoir included), and with farmers increasingly unable/not allowed to extract the necessary... Read more

  • Judith Ingram

    Completely In the wrong place...esthecally and traffic increase. Traffic doesn't flow very well at all and with the extra traffic it's impossible to imagine.

  • Julie Young

    Health and Traffic problems.

  • K Martin

    Living 9.98 miles (as the crow flies) from this proposed incinerator I object planning consent being given on the grounds of human health impact and environmental impact. The UK has incineration over... Read more

  • Karen and Pat Gathercole

    The main issue is increased traffic in my area and smell.

  • Kate Badham

    We are a small town surrounded by agricultural land . Our roads can not cope with the traffic we currently have and certainly won’t cope with the huge volume of lorries needed to ‘feed’ a mega... Read more

  • Kevin Brennan-glass

    It would add to the already bad air pollution and be very bad for Wisbech infrastructure of the roads there is always traffic jams as it is without 300 Lorries a day Many crops are grown in and around... Read more

  • Leziate Parish Council (Leziate Parish Council)

    The Parish Council objects to the building of the Heat and Power Facility in Wisbech for the disposal of 625,000 Tnes/yr for the following reasons: 1. Delivery of 625,600 Tnes/yr. of waste and the... Read more

  • Lucia Hedderley

    This project not only present significant issues in terms of impact to risk to health to the local population, but also significant environmental issues with its impact on local roads, traffic. Local... Read more

  • Lucy Jefferis

    I object to the project becuse: - The roads are congested enough in the local area being self employed having additionl traffic causing more congestion will add time onto my day and affect my... Read more

  • Lucy Moody

    My main concerns about this proposal is the proximity to schools and the town. In addition the infrastructure for wisbech is poor with too many HGVs as it is. The incinerator would add to this issue.

  • MAHA UK Ltd (MAHA UK Ltd)

    My main issues are as follows, the increased Traffic flow in and out of Wisbech with trucks who will be feeding the furnace once the incinerator is lit, to my knowledge it will burn 24/7, for this it... Read more

  • Mark Plumb

    As a daily road user, the increase in transport will lead to congestion on the roads in Baddition to an increase in emissions from the vehicles. A facility such as this will lead to serious... Read more

  • Mark Southwell

    I work near the site where this waste plant is planned , this will finish our business off as the roads will not be able to cope with the traffic , it will destroy our customer base .there is a school... Read more

  • Martin Adams

    I object to the project!

  • Mervyn John White

    I consider that the proposed incinerator would be in totally the wrong place as outfall from the plant, both visible and invisible, will have a detrimental affect on many local homes and nearby... Read more

  • Michael Clarke

    PROVEN health concerns

  • Michelle Knight

    I am registering to you to express my absolute distress at the proposal to build a mega incinerator in my small Georgian town of Wisbech and to log my objection. I was born in Wisbech and am the lead... Read more

  • MJ Acoustics (MJ Acoustics)

    Much has already been said and documented but the main areas of concern are health risks from pollutants and a responsibility to our staff for the well-being of them and their families. The congestion... Read more

  • National Highways Limited (National Highways Limited)

    National Highways objects to the Project for the following reasons. National Highways is a statutory undertaker and is appointed by the Secretary of State for Transport to operate and maintain the... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Natural England is satisfied that the Environmental Statement and Habitats Regulations Assessment confirm that the proposed scheme is unlikely to have any adverse effect on key matters within Natural... Read more

  • Linda Parsley on behalf of Neil Parsley (Neil Parsley)

    Health & traffic issues

  • Paul simpson

    It will affect my health and work

  • Phil Wiskin

    I am very concerned about this proposed development for a number of reasons. 1. Personal health - Due to emissions 2. Environmental - Due to emissions and excessive heavy vehicle traffic movements. 3.... Read more

  • Philip Pilbeam

    This incinerator will have a negative impact on our whole community. Health concerns about particulates, bottom Ash & for me the traffic congestion with the 200 plus lorry movements a day!!!! Our town... Read more

  • Pro-Clean Industrial UK Ltd (Pro-Clean Industrial UK Ltd)

    This incinerator could have drastic consequences for all our businesses and for the town as a whole. It will bring minimal jobs to the town (less than 50) but the potential for job losses could be... Read more

  • Rapid Recruitment Ltd. (Rapid Recruitment Ltd.)

    We object to the Waste Incinerator proposal because the road system will not cope with the high number of vehicles moving to and from the site every day. The current state of the roads is not good and... Read more

  • Roy Alan Weare

    I am very concerned about the effect on climate change at a time when we should be reducing CO2 emissions. Also very concerned about the impact on the local environment and the ability of the proposed... Read more

  • BNP Paribas Real Estate (BNP Paribas Real Estate) on behalf of Royal Mail Group Limited (Royal Mail Group Limited)

    Royal Mail Group Limited (RM) supports this proposed Energy from Waste CHP facility, but is seeking to secure mitigations to protect its road based operations during the construction phase. Under... Read more

  • Sarah-Fay Berry

    To whom it may concern, I wish to make my objections to the proposed mega incinerator for Wisbech. The effect on air quality: I work with patients who have life limiting illness at The Alan Hudson Day... Read more