
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

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  • Nigel Hutton

    Recent research shows that one of the causes of Lung cancer in non-smokers are PM2.5 particles. Of vital significance is that one of the primary sources of PM2.5 particles are incinerators as these... Read more

  • Optimum Packaging Limited (Optimum Packaging Limited)


  • Paul Edward Eden

    So far as I am aware, there is no plan to offset the facility’s carbon emissions. Ensuring carbon-neutral operations for any new infrastructure is imperative. The idea that infrastructure with a... Read more

  • Paul Reachill

    I am extremely against the pollution that this monstrosity will create and the obvious traffic congestion in Wisbech.

  • Peter goodchild

    This will be no good here as our roads can’t take the traffic they can’t cope now

  • Peter Human

    Our Road are not suitable for the increase in traffic. The incinerator will be near a hospital and a school. Both China and Australia are against incinerator being built in farming areas due to... Read more

  • Philip Cooper

    A small town with bad roads. How anyone would build a incinerator right next to several schools. Contamination of good farming land many more reasons not to have it here which will coment on at a... Read more

  • R Burry

    As a concerned local resident, who will be directly affected by this proposed project. I reserve the right to comment on the application at a later date

  • Rhiannon Brittain

    I am concerned about the impact of traffic in the locality, the roads into town suffer significant traffic throughout the morning and afternoon rush which will be exacerbated by the traffic flow to... Read more

  • Richard Bell

    my issues i have are as follows, The road infrastructure will not cope with the extra traffic on the roads, for example take a lorry down algores way at peak times between 1600 hrs and 1800 hrs which... Read more

  • Richard David Clarke

    I am very concerned about the amount of extra lorry traffic that will congest the areas roads. I was brought up down weasenham lane and have seen Boleness road/Algores way and this area get worse and... Read more

  • Roberta Reilly

    I cannot see this scheme being a success either commercially or environmentally. Bringing waste to Wisbech to burn it will cause traffic congestion and air pollution. I don't believe the planned... Read more

  • Roland Fry

    The planned site is not suitable. The road infrastructure would not cope with the amount of lorries going to and from the plant. Also the plant is to near the centre of a major town and surrounding... Read more

  • Rosie Guest

    As an individual who lives close to where the plans for the incinerator are going I feel extremely worried and frustrated about the plans. I believe that it will increase the amount of traffic going... Read more

  • Roy Henry Claxton

    Congestion caused by increasing vehicles using already inadequate roads.Both air and noise pollution.

  • Sandra Willatt

    Inadequate and disingenuous consultation. Proposed site close to schools, residential areas and health facility. Excess lorry movements on inadequate road infrastructure. Generation targets unlikely... Read more

  • Sara Rolfe

    I will provide further comment once I have seen the information

  • Shirley Carter

    This is in the wrong location, close to schools, shops and food factories, roads will not be able to cope with the extra heavy lorries coming and leaving site, country side is being destroyed

  • Simon Clarke

    the incinerator is supposed to generate over 50 megawatts of power, meaning hundreds of thousands of tonnes of non-recyclable municipal and commercial and industrial waste will be brought to Wisbech... Read more

  • Simon Ridgewell

    I live on[] every day I see traffic backed up from Churchill road traffic lights ,the road has been repaired so many times .Everyday I see the a47 cars ,lorry's all backed at elm road round about and... Read more

  • Stella Richardson

    I am most concerned about the inevitable air pollution from this site.

  • Stephanie Lee

    This is being built down the road from my child’s school, these children will be walking down the roads these vehicles will be travelling. The town cannot cope with more vehicles, one accident and the... Read more

  • Tony Clee

    The proposed project will vastly increase HGV traffic used to supply waste and take away bottom and fly ash on a road infrastructure clearly unable to support it and often subject to road closures. It... Read more

  • Trevor Wright

    I reserve my comments until I have received all the information on the application

  • Alderman Payne Primary school (Alderman Payne Primary school)

    When they leave, the children at my school attend the secondary school in Wisbech which is next to the proposed incinerator. This is not good for childrens health (E.g. increased traffic fumes)