
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 51 to 75 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • Jude Sutton

    I will be examining the application and submitting my comments on all material matters plus pollution and public health. I will be opposing this application I will be considering the information... Read more

  • Julia Gale

    Increased traffic congestion. This is already a huge issue during nice weather and the Summer.mobths. Concerned by the level of contamination into the local environment and the potential effects on... Read more

  • Julia Jane McCourt

    The pollution from this plant, both from emissions and traffic is totally inappropriate for the site. It is in close proximity to residential areas including schools. The infra structure struggles to... Read more

  • Julie Ballard

    I consider the main concerns and impacts to be: - The effect of combustion energy generation on the environment, which goes against government plans for reduction of CO2 as part of climate change... Read more

  • Julie Mills

    Wisbech has been my home for 60+years and whilst it has grown and thrived in some aspects - sadly not in many others. It is the supposed 'Capital of the Fens' but little to demonstrate that fact.... Read more

  • K Lipscomb

    I am opposed to this project due to the increase in traffic, particularly lorries to the surrounding area, which already suffers from badly maintained roads and narrow country roads. The fact the... Read more

  • Karen Durrant

    The impact on people's health especially children as the proposed site is not far from schools and homes. The affect on air quality. The size of the project in a small town. The increased traffic on... Read more

  • Kevin Durham

    Wisbech is a clean environment and needs and deserves to remain so . Our roads will not cope with the amount of extra traffic from this incinerator.

  • Linda Mary Seagroatt

    Based on existing installations and the issues arising from those, the fallout on the local town, farmland and a wide area could have significant health risks, not just from the plant itself, but from... Read more

  • Linda Pollard

    This is far too close to housing, schooling and there is far more suitable sites than this . It’s within walking distance of town hospital eye clinic etc,

  • Lisa Anne Green

    This is too big a project in such a small community. It does not benefit the area as it will not bring jobs or new transport links which the area badly needs. It is too close to a secondary school and... Read more

  • Lisa Corbett

    Air quality will be affected and as someone who suffers with their lungs it will be a detriment to me. Roads will be clogged up even more with various lorries throughout the day. Where I live now it... Read more

  • Lorrain Symons

    It will be devastating to the residents of Wisbech and surrounding area, the envioromental impact will be disastrous the air and soil will be contaminated

  • Louise Gratton

    1. The location is very close to residential areas with a school in very close proximity (200m). I am concerned of the impact of pollution/emissions to health for local residents and for wildlife.... Read more

  • Louise Tombleson

    I have lived in Wisbech for over 30 years and I have seen traffic continue to grow. Most of the time now the town is very, very busy with traffic and I do not think that to have an incinerator... Read more

  • Lynda Green

    My main concerns are it is too big for the local infrastructure are roads are badly overloaded now and in poor condition .The local school is nearby and housing estates and is going to have such... Read more

  • Marcus Aspden

    The consultation period has not followed guidance and rules and not answered all questions raised. I feel MVV have proposed a large facility to ‘by pass’ local planning laws and apply for consent... Read more

  • Mark Andrew parker

    This is the worst thing for the people of Wisbech not enough roads to couple with the extra volume of traffic or the air quality being in a food production area

  • Martin John Buckley

    This development is in the wrong place (too close to a school, eye clinic,etc.) and with limited access. The road infrastructure does not exist to support the extra hgv movements required to feed this... Read more

  • Martin Woollard

    I have to wholeheartedly disagree with this project. The local area of Wisbech does not have the infrastructure to accommodate the additional traffic etc. Even worse than this is the effect it will... Read more

  • Maurice Peter Wright IEng MIED (retired structural engineer)

    I object most strongly to the construction of this mega-incinerator. This development will have a major negative impact on the health and safety of the town's population, the local environment and... Read more

  • Michael Lyon

    The proposed Wsibech Incinerator is within, <1m of the town centre and within close proximity to housing and 3nr schools within what is all ready a struggling and deprived area. The area sits... Read more

  • Michael Marriott

    This incinerator is to be located just off the A47 Wisbech bypass road. This section of the A47 has been unfit for it's traffic flow for many years now and gets worse year on year. Currently it is... Read more

  • nicholas John Thorpe

    this will make wisbech even more of an eyesore with pollution from chimney and added traffic make weasenham lane area even more congested, aleady a pain with school being directly opposite main... Read more

  • Nicola Ann Sutheran

    Impact on Environment and Health - Toxic Particulate Emissions from The Infrastructure and Emissions from Vehicles Movements. Infrastructure close to public amenities, schools and housing. Lose of... Read more