Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Section 51 advice

The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.

There is a statutory duty, under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008, around an application or potential application. This includes recording the name of the person who requested advice and the advice given. This information has to be made publicly available.

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Showing 1 to 33 of 33 documents, newest first.

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  • View advice to Dr M G Little

    Dear Inspectorate, I live near the proposed Medworth EFW site. Could you please advise as to what would happen if under the new PM national planning, environmental or other relevant law is changed... Read more

  • View advice to WisWIN - Wisbech Without Incineration

    Further to my earlier mail of 16th August and your kind response, it is noted that we are now subject to a further delay on the process of Registering an Interest. Your information box now states that... Read more

  • View advice to Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk

    Morning, Will we be automatically notified of the 30 day registration period? Do we need to register & do we need to submit a skeleton of our argument at this stage? I want to understand when you will... Read more

  • View advice to on behalf of Fountain Frozen Limited

    Please see attached correspondence

  • View advice to Hertfordshire County Council

    I refer to your email below [regarding the adequacy of consultation], which has been circulated to various colleagues here at the Council. There has been a delay in responding to this, owing to... Read more

  • View advice to Rt Hon Stephen Barclay MP

    Submission Received from Stephen Barclay MP during the Acceptance Period

  • View advice to Tom Howlett

    Hi there, Please advise if working from home has a detrimental impact on your ability to process planning applications. It seems that there is rather an erratic processing element in your... Read more

  • View advice to Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk and West Norfolk

    I understand that PINS has accepted the Medworth application. Are you able to tell me when we should expect the start date letter, detailing the stages on when we will be expected to respond?

  • View advice to WisWIN - Wisbech Without Incineration

    phone enquiry

  • View advice to Office of the Rt. Hon Elizabeth Truss MP

    Dear Planning Inspector, I am writing to submit comments on the Medworth Energy from Waste Project. They are as follows: As the Member of Parliament for South West Norfolk, a constituency bordering... Read more

  • View advice to WisWIN - Wisbech Without Incineration

    Thank you for your response in May. MVV have since advised our Councils that they would be submitting their proposal today - Monday 6th July. All councils have formally objected to their proposal -... Read more

  • View advice to Cambridgeshire County Council

    We noted in some correspondence that PINS advised that MVV Medworth’s consultation summary may not be able to be made public. Council officers will need to circulate all the information on the... Read more

  • View advice to WisWIN - Wisbech Without Incineration

    I would appreciate your clarification as soon as possible. The above proposal is on the outskirts of Wisbech on the borders of Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. We have had recent meetings with the Leader... Read more

  • View advice to Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk

    I refer to your letter dated 12th May 2022 regarding the above. Providing that the application is submitted by 7th June 2022, we will be taking an urgent item to Planning Committee on 15th June. I... Read more

  • View advice to WisWIN - Wisbech Without Incineration

    With regard to your response regarding the submission from MVV Medworth, whilst the company have amended the date when they propose to submit their application several times, I understand this has now... Read more

  • View advice to WisWIN

    We are anxiously awaiting MVV submission concerning their EfW proposal for Algores Way, Wisbech. Cambs. As part of the planning process the submission enters a phase called Pre-application, where the... Read more

  • View meeting with Medworth CHP Limited

    Project Update Meeting

  • View advice to Clenchwarton and King’s Lynn South

    1. As the County Councillor for King’s Lynn South, I wish to reiterate my concern that MVV Energie did not consult with residents in my Division, whose health and wellbeing would be greatly affected... Read more

  • View meeting with Medworth CHP Limited

    Project Update Meeting

  • View advice to Various Enquiries

    Various Enquiries by Tom Howlett; Jude Sutton; Jonathan Thompson; Alan James ; Vall Webb; Leigh Howley; Thelma Kensley; Amanda Bliss; Charlotte Crozier; G. Else; Lee Cook

  • View advice to Various Enquiries

    Various Enquiries by Stuart Wilkie; Ursula Waverley; Alan Wheeldon; Donna Knott; Ben Greig; Mike Hopgood; David Bragg; Julie Beart; Marina Guriano; Garry Monger; Martin & Jacqui Barwell James Wicker;... Read more

  • View meeting with Medworth CHP Limited

    Project Update Meeting

  • View advice to MVV Environment Ltd

    Project Update Meeting

  • View advice to Lucy Moody

    My family and I live in the small Georgian town of Wisbech and are strongly opposed to the proposal to build an incinerator in the town, 1 mile from our children's school and adding to the significant... Read more

  • View advice to MVV Environment Ltd

    Project Update Meeting

  • View advice to Sue Beel

    Please see attached.

  • View advice to David Hammond

    Dear Mr Salter I have some concerns about the incinerator MVV are proposing to build in the town of Wisbech. I live here and I was born here. I would be grateful if you could answer these questions... Read more

  • View advice to Carla Johnson

    Dear Mr Salter I have some concerns about the incinerator MVV are proposing to build in the town of Wisbech. I live here and I was born here. I would be grateful if you could answer these questions... Read more

  • View advice to WisWIN - Wisbech Against Incineration

    On behalf of the Campaign against the proposed Wisbech Incinerator, (WisWIN - Wisbech Against Incineration) we wish to raise our grave concern that no consultation is taking place with residents and... Read more

  • View advice to Beryl Males

    Dear Ms Richards The above are proposing to build a 50 megawatt incinerator in our small Georgian Town of Wisbech. They are making this a national infrastructure to circumnavigate local planning and... Read more

  • View advice to Mo Stewart

    Dear Secretary of State Re: Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility... Read more

  • View advice to Mo Stewart

    REF: Response to Scoping Opinion Proposed Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility (Wisbech) EN010110... Read more

  • View meeting with MVV Environment Ltd

    Project Inception Meeting