Back to list North Lincolnshire Green Energy Park

Representation by Brian Close

Date submitted
11 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We have no need of this facility it is largely seen as the north being used as London’s rubbish dump. The technology has already failed in Holland where toxins were found in the human food chain. The ash from the process is not like other furnaces it is toxic waste but they plan to make blocks from the ash. I wouldn’t want my children playing on blocks containing arsenic. By the time it was built the technology would be obsolete. This will in the long term be funded from tax payers money so should be a “non profit “ venture. Anything else would be seen as milking the tax payers. The rail line is a single track that has had its use and was seen as no longer viable as any derailment would be very difficult to rectify. The rail was mainly used for downhill” exports to the wharf not uphill imports.