Back to list North Lincolnshire Green Energy Park

Representation by David Hinchcliffe

Date submitted
12 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The development of the Park would severely impact the village of Amcotts which is directly across the river Trent from the site. We anticipate Massively increased noise pollution from the railway and extra shipping Increased light pollution especially in Winter Large risk of strong odors from the plant Large risk of environmental pollution (from plastics etc. entering the river) The resulting plant will provide absolutely no benefits to the village of Amcotts but will lead to a substantial reduction in the marketable values of the properties, and land on the West bank of the river Trent, especially those directly opposite the site (like mine). Whilst I understand the need for such a plant and generally agree with the concept, the location chosen could be more remote from dwellings, and especially not on a site that has remained unused since the chemical explosion in 1974 substantially destroyed properties directly across the river (in Amcotts - like ours which was rebuilt in 1974 after the accident)