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Representation by Canal & River Trust (Canal & River Trust)

Date submitted
12 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The Canal & River Trust are the charity who look after and bring to life 2000 miles of canals & rivers. Our waterways contribute to the health and wellbeing of local communities and economies, creating attractive and connected places to live, work, volunteer and spend leisure time. These historic, natural and cultural assets form part of the strategic and local green-blue infrastructure network, linking urban and rural communities as well as habitats. By caring for our waterways and promoting their use we believe we can improve the wellbeing of our nation. The Trust has been previously consulted on the proposals under S42. At the time, we noted that the application site is located to the east of the River Trent, and includes proposals to expand wharf facilities on the river. However, we also noted that the Trust is not Navigation Authority for the River Trent downstream of Gainsborough. As a result, our interests in the proposal are limited to secondary impacts on our network, which nearby consists of the River Trent upstream of Gainsborough and the Stainforth & Keadby Canal, which connects with the Trent at Keadby Lock. We previously asked for clarity as to whether any changes to waterbourne transport to and from site could have indirect impacts on our network, should the wharf be designed to accommodate inland transport. Within their submission, the applicant has clarified within their Submitted Navigation Risk Assessment (Documents Reference 6.36) that the use of the Inland Waterway Network is not envisaged, and that no direct impact on transport using the Trust’s assets would be expected. We assume that boats utilising Flixborough Wharf from the Humber Estuary are not required to travel further upstream upon the River Trent (for example, for turning), where large boats could have the potential to impact upon the safety of smaller vessels utilising Keadby Lock. We would welcome confirmation upon this from the applicant. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries you may have.