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Representation by John Newsham

Date submitted
12 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Incineration cant be considered Green energy. 20th April 2021 Gov sets 'most ambitious climate change target' this isn't compatible with allowing plastic incineration as this is more carbon intensive than landfill. Incineration causes toxic air pollution both in chemicals and particulates. Incineration interferes with and hampers recycling strategies. Social impact of massive traffic increase in rural area, visual impact of new incinerator and chimneys. Health implications for local population, modern incinerators are better than before but still release some dioxins and furans as well as particulates. Recent studies show that the mortality burden on local populations may be low, but exists. Why should our local population carry that risk, the waste being incinerated isn't local, places that produce the waste, i.e cities are understandably reluctant to have incinerators. The NIMBY approach may be understandable but to basically ignore risk to local population on cost issues is morally unjustifiable. I wonder if the directors and shareholders of the company will move here to share that risk. Ultimately this isn't about 'Green energy', its simply a company out to make money by offering a quick solution to the waste problem despite its impact on the environment and local population.