Back to list North Lincolnshire Green Energy Park

Representation by Malcolm Plaskitt

Date submitted
13 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The transportation of hazardous, medical and corrosive waste pructs on Laerge Goods vehicles on such a scale is flying in the face of common sense. The County within which it is proposed to site this facility is a County based on agrivculture producing food for the Country to digest. That should be the priority, ebaling the land to be used for the sustenance of the population, not dealing with the waste oroduced in other parts of the Country and transported to a County whose current and historical purpose has been the production of edible crops with an road infrastructure designed to service such a purpose. The siting of such a utility inappropriately named as the 'North lincolnshire Green Energy Park' gives rise to the suspicion that such a title is designed to mislead. The movement of these waste products iver vast distances by rail and road is completly at odds with a sensible approach to the subject. The waste should be disposed of by the producers not transported out of sight and mind to a County whose heritage and purpose is the production of edible crops. The impact of such a facility will undoubadly lower the atrraction of the crops grown in the County as the connection between waste and crops produces a negative belief in the safety of the crops produced in the County. This project should be denied and a more sensible approach based on the principlae I set out in the third parageraph, in short it should be dealt with at source.