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Representation by Steve Duree

Date submitted
13 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Burning waste is by no means, a green energy project. Funds would be better used ensuring that consumer packaging is reduced and there is no need for incineration. Amcotts which is the other side of the river from this has a small population as a village and the residents take great care over the environment in which they live. Encouraging wildlife is something we’re passionate about and increasing pollution would only have a detrimental effect. I suspect that river traffic would see an increase and I’m sure consideration has been given to shipping in other county’s waste for sortation. I would also add that the Company leading the project is not even based in the UK so any profits would be for the benefit of the EU, not the UK. I’d like to think we’re considering and supporting the British economy in any infrastructure we embark on.