Back to list North Lincolnshire Green Energy Park

Representation by Dr Jeremy Jolley

Date submitted
13 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The ‘Green Energy Park’ will essentially be a very large furnace, mainly purposed to burn plastics and other waste. The furnace will be sited in the village of Flixborough. This is a pretty and well-kept village, which will inevitably suffer from the noise, smell, increased traffic, and emissions from the stacks. Flixborough has suffered from the effects of industry before, as the pretty churchyard bears testimony. The furnace is planned to be built close to the site of the Nypro plant which blew up in 1974, killing 28 people. Flixborough and its people deserve to be left alone. I live a field away from the proposed site, and my home will be impacted by the increased traffic, and the emissions. The view across the countryside will also be blighted. While plastics are a serious problem, burning the nation’s plastics in a sleepy North Lincolnshire village, is surely not the answer. Surely. The only solution to plastics. Is to stop using them.