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Representation by Eileen Oliver

Date submitted
14 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the proposed development for the following reasons. Amcotts is only 200 meters away from the proposed development. A development of this magnitude, along with proposed 24hr working would further devastate the peace and quiet this rural village. Furthermore there would be many thousands of HGV movements a week taking RDF to the site along the eastern side of the river Trent, again only 200 meters from the eastern edge of Amcotts, causing further noise nuisance issues from heavy road traffic. The noise assessment carried out by Solar 21 was compromised by existing noise nuisance from the Flixborough Industrial Estate, and is not a true reflection of where noise levels should be at Amcotts. The negative visual impact of such a colossal structure. Emissions from the stack would contain particulate matter that the very latest scientific research has discovered cause cancer. This would be a threat to human health and well-being. We are in a climate emergency. The incinerator would be burning a fossil fuel, exacerbating climate change by adding to CO2 emissions at a critical time, and for its projected lifespan of 25 years. There are questions about poor efficiency and deliverability of proposed carbon capture. The UK is already facing incinerator overcapacity There is no argument for another incinerator. Burning waste does not support the circular economy and discourages recycling. National recycling rates still remain well below the governments own target. The storage of thousands of tonnes of RDF is potentially volatile. There have been two large scale waste storage fires within 36hrs of each other in the area only recently, resulting in toxic smoke reaching Amcotts and the stench of it in the air, and windows having to be closed to prevent it entering homes. Hydrogen is also proposed to be stored on site giving rise to the fear of a chain of events resulting in another tragedy such as NYPRO in 1974. The fear of another tragedy would be an ongoing trauma for residents of Amcotts and Flixborough. Storage of RDF also creates foul odours, which is another potential problem for the residents of Amcotts as we are so close. There is no clear indication of where the feedstock would come from, potentially adding carbon miles. The claimed benefits of this proposed development are overstated and the potential adverse impacts understated.