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Representation by Amcotts Parish Council (Amcotts Parish Council)

Date submitted
14 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Amcotts Parish Council objects to the proposed project on the following grounds: NOISE POLLUTION There is already a longstanding issue with noise pollution from Flixborough Wharf and Flixborough Industrial Estate which is severely affecting the health and wellbeing of residents. The building of this proposed development will add a detrimental downward spiral to this. The additional noise pollution will no doubt cause the lapwings in the area (25 scrapes) to evacuate. This and the trouble it will cause to the award-winning bat colonies and butterfly garden would be catastrophic to the environment. OVERCAPACITY AND RECYCLING The UK has more incinerator capacity than it has waste to burn, not including the projects which are being proposed/examined. This is both harmful to recycling, as much of the waste is readily recyclable, and would impact our local councils above national recycling rates. There seems to be a profusion of hydrogen capturing projects plus other incinerators currently which could lead to overcapacity in this area which will not be recycling North Lincolnshire waste anyway. All this would make the target of 65% of waste to be recycled by 2035 unachievable. Overcapacity has already been acknowledged and actioned by the Welsh and Scottish governments and they have called a moratorium on new incinerators. There has also been a move nationally from single use plastics which also increases the capacity of the existing incinerators. ADVERSE EFFECT ON AIR POLLUTION As the waste will be brought to this facility from out of the area the additional traffic needed will have an adverse effect on the air pollution in our and neighbouring villages. If the use of rail and water transportation is to be used, why is there a need to build a new road? ODOUR POLLUTION The odour pollution will have an adverse effect on the health and wellbeing of residents. The odour pollution will also add to the damage caused to the lapwings, bats and butterflies.