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Representation by Anglian Water Services Ltd (Anglian Water Services Ltd)

Date submitted
14 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Further to Anglian Water's submission at the scoping stage requesting consultation regarding certain matters, no progress has been made and the draft DCO as submitted with the application does not sufficiently protect Anglian Water's assets. Anglian Water requires protective provisions that are specific to them rather than generic as set out in draft DCO. There are existing water mains located in the boundary of the site which could be adversely affected by the proposed development. These assets are critical to enable Anglian Water to carry out its statutory duties as a statutory water undertaker. A specific risk assessment for the water mains supply network should be undertaken by the applicant with the assistance of Anglian Water as water undertaker. Anglian Water is responsible for managing the risks of flooding from surface water, foul water or combined water sewer systems. We note that the Flood Risk Assessment submitted with the application includes all forms of flooding, including surface water and sewer flooding. This document was prepared following consultation with various bodies but Anglian Water was not one of them. However, we are pleased to see that surface water drainage will be managed through a system of SuDSs rather than being discharged to the sewerage system. It is unclear at this stage the impact of this project on Anglian Water's assets or how they can be properly managed should the proposed development proceed. We look forward to working with the applicant to agree alternative wording to the draft DCO.