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Representation by Natural England (Natural England)

Date submitted
15 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Summary of Natural England’s Advice Natural England’s advice is that, in relation to identified nature conservation issues within its remit, there is no fundamental reason of principle why the project should not be permitted. However, Natural England considers that the applicant has provided insufficient evidence and is not yet satisfied that the following issues have been addressed: • Internationally designated sites 1. Impacts from ammonia emissions, and nutrient nitrogen deposition (Construction and Operation phase) on Humber Estuary SAC/SPA/Ramsar (‘amber’). 2. Impacts from ammonia emissions and nutrient nitrogen deposition (Operation phase) on Thorne and Hatfield Moors SPA and Thorne Moor SAC (‘amber’). 3. Impacts from dust emissions (Construction Phase) on Humber Estuary SAC and Ramsar designated features (‘amber’). 4. Impact of potential disturbance to the migration route of river lamprey and sea lamprey (Constriction phase) associated with Humber Estuary SAC/Ramsar (‘amber’). 5. Impacts from noise, vibration and visual disturbance on Humber Estuary Ramsar (construction and operation phase) (‘amber’). 6. Impacts from potential loss of functionally linked land associated with Humber Estuary SPA/Ramsar (construction phase) (‘amber’). 7. Impacts from noise, vibration and visual disturbance on functionally linked land associated with Humber Estuary SPA/Ramsar (construction and operation phase) (‘amber’). • Nationally designated sites 1. Impacts from ammonia emissions, and nutrient nitrogen deposition (Construction and Operation phase) on Humber Estuary SSSI (‘amber’). 2. Impacts from ammonia emissions, nutrient nitrogen deposition, and acid deposition (Operation phase) on Thorne Crowle and Goole Moors SSSI (‘amber’). 3. Impacts from ammonia emissions, nutrient nitrogen deposition, and acid deposition (Operation phase) on Risby Warren SSSI (‘amber’). 4. Impacts from acid deposition (Operation phase) on Messingham Heath SSSI (‘amber’). 5. Impacts from dust emissions (Construction Phase) on Humber Estuary SSSI designated features (‘amber’). 6. Impact of potential disturbance to the migration route of river lamprey and sea lamprey (Constriction phase) associated with Humber Estuary SSSI (‘amber’). 7. Impacts from noise, vibration and visual disturbance on Humber Estuary SSSI (construction and operation phase) (‘amber’). 8. Impacts from potential loss of functionally linked land associated with Humber Estuary SSSI (construction phase) (‘amber’). 9. Impacts from noise, vibration and visual disturbance on functionally linked land associated with Humber Estuary SSSI (construction and operation phase) (‘amber’). • Protected species 1. Further information is required to determine that the project will not adversely affect water voles, great crested newts, bats and badgers (‘amber’). • Soils and best and most versatile agricultural land 1. The Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) Grade should be calculated for all agricultural land subject to development or disturbance. 2. Insufficient justification has been included in the assessment in order to conclude that BMV agricultural land is a low sensitivity receptor due to the relative abundance on the development site. Natural England's full representation will be submitted via email.
