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Representation by North Lincolnshire Council (North Lincolnshire Council)

Date submitted
15 September 2022
Submitted by
Local authorities

North Lincolnshire Council – Relevant Representation Submission for the North Lincolnshire Green Energy park NSIP 15/09/2022 North Lincolnshire Council is aware that as the host Authority we will be automatically registered as an Interested Party in the North Lincolnshire Green Energy Park examination, under Section 102(1)(c) of the Planning Act 2008, and therefore the Council’s views will be considered for the duration of the examination. To assist the Examining Authority in forming its initial assessment of principal issues in advance of the preparation of the draft examination timetable, and ahead of the submission of our Local Impact Report, North Lincolnshire Council wishes to make the following initial representation to identify its main areas of interest at this stage in relation to the Development Consent Order Application. North Lincolnshire Council acknowledge that there is a recognised need and support for renewable and low carbon energy technology through national planning policy and that the proposed development would contribute towards the targets set for the UK’s greenhouse gas emission reduction and increasing the country’s energy supply from more renewable sources. There is also support through national policy in respect of reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill. Notwithstanding this ‘in principle’ national policy support, the impacts of the proposal must be fully assessed in order to complete a full, fair and detailed planning balance assessment. North Lincolnshire Council considers that the main issues arising at this stage from the proposal that need to be weighed in the planning balance are as follows: • Landscape and visual impacts of the proposed development • Cultural heritage • Ecological impacts and considerations, including mitigation and enhancement • Amenity impacts • Traffic and transport • Air quality • Noise • Light • Contamination • Flood risk and drainage • Socio-economic impacts With regards to local planning policy, the Application Site is not allocated for development as part of the Development Plan for North Lincolnshire and is located partially within and partially outside of defined development boundaries. North Lincolnshire Council will, at the required time, be producing a Local Impact Report which will set out its position in full on the above and its view on the broader planning issues relating to this DCO application. We will continue to engage with the applicant with the aim of providing a completed and signed Statement of Common Ground during the examination.