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Representation by Norris Family ( Norris Family)

Date submitted
15 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. The North Lincolnshire Green Energy Park Planning Inspectorate Reference: EN010116 affects land within the ownership of our clients Lee and Elizabeth Norris. Our clients are 'affected persons' within the meaning of the Planning Act 2008 and related legislation. 2) Our clients object to the DCO Application by North Lincolnshire Green Energy Park Limited and wish to take a full part in the examination, including any issue specific hearing and compulsory acquisition hearings relevant to its interests and the matters set out herein. 3) The DCO Applicant has failed to effectively engage with our clients and other stakeholders at the crucial ‘frontload’ stage in respect of key details of the scheme prior to the DCO application and has in turn produced a draft DCO that overreaches and fails to justify the powers it seeks in principle and detail. 4) With the notable exception of Wharfeside Court the DCO Project Limit excludes the majority of the operational employment areas within the Flixborough industrial Estate. Wharfeside Court comprises 14 fully occupied small industrial/workshop units accommodating approximately 10 businesses, most of which are well established and have been operating from the units for a number of years. Availability of replacement units of this size in the area is low and it is highly likely that displaced businesses will not be able to relocate with the resultant loss of employment and services provided. 5)The footprint of the Wharfside Court complex is small and situated on the periphery of the extensive DCO Project Limit. We question the need to include this compact area within the DCO boundary, and propose that it could be excluded with little if any material detriment to the project. 6)The impact on affected established small to medium sized enterprises occupying Wharfside Court is in stark contrast to the applicants’ aims which is to serve its own profitable business venture. 6)The human rights of our client and affected businesses will be interfered with if the DCO is confirmed. 7)The DCO Applicant has failed to adequately consult and engage with our clients in relation to the acquisition of their property interests in advance of the powers now being sought to compulsory purchase.