Oaklands Farm Solar Park

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Showing 26 to 50 of 330 representations, newest first.

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  • Stephen Bullock

    I live and own land next to this development. I will have to suffer the traffic on a road crumbling now and in a poor state. It's a weight limit road abused every day before they start on this solar... Read more

  • The National Forest Company (The National Forest Company)

    The National Forest Company (NFC) leads the creation of the National Forest, a publicly-funded multipurpose forest for the nation across 200 square miles in central England. The NFC was established in... Read more

  • Alison Walker

    *flooding of local roads - there is already a lot of flooding around local roads when it rains. If more farm land is taken up as building less land will be available to soak up the water. *the traffic... Read more

  • Iain Liston Brown

    Food security is a major issue going forward as climate changes. Using good grade farmland for Solar Panels is against the best interests of food security. In addition there will be major heavy... Read more

  • Rosliston Parish Council (Rosliston Parish Council)

    Concern over removal of agricultural and animal farm land. Concern over the construction phase with narrow county lanes, not suitable for HGV.

  • Stephanie Ann Lloyd

    I am against removal of any farm land, agricultural or animal for solar energy. I believe solar farms should be on brownfield sites. The location is also reached only by narrow, bendy country lanes,... Read more

  • David Owen

    I would like to express my strong support for the proposed solar farm project in Rosliston. After careful consideration of various concerns and benefits associated with the project, I believe that the... Read more

  • Nicola Johnston

    Rural villages areas will be compromised in all ways. Nature paths will be destroyed forever. Homes for 1000’s of wildlife destroyed, natural flight paths for geese removed. Arable land destroyed,... Read more

  • Callum Charman

    Do not do it! Will add far too much stress on the roads considering we haven't even had the other bridge built yet. Roads are terrible as it is due to being poorly looked after by our monstrosity of a... Read more

  • David Richardson

    I am concerned about the level of traffic affecting Rosliston village during the construction phase. I am also worried about any potential changes that could affect local water networks as the village... Read more

  • Emma Richardson

    Level of traffic through the construction phase through Rosliston and the surrounding villages all of which have primary schools are accessed via narrow roads and already are impacted by speeding... Read more

  • Mark Yates

    This proposal is going to raise the traffic on the A444, which is already overused by hgv lorries heading to the pallet depot

  • Michael Godbehere

    Objection to location and infrastructure Loss of farm land, destruction of green land as opposed to brownfield site

  • Nathan Bull

    I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed planning application for the construction of a 400-acre solar farm and battery storage facility on farmland currently in use. While I... Read more

  • Brian Cook

    Impact of traffic from the plant and equipment and the 150 workers to the village Impact of this project and the new bridge together to the area

  • James Drew Silcock

    I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the proposed development of a large-scale solar panel farm in close proximity to our community. While I understand the importance of renewable energy... Read more

  • Karen Kreft

    The main issue I have with this is the impact it will have on local roads. I live in Overseal on the A444 and we already have an unacceptable amount of lorries using a road which is too fast and the... Read more

  • Mrs Ivy Noreen Salt

    On the project newsletter- March 2024, the map included has shown both Corner farm and new corner farm are inside the red boundary mark., this needs correcting We not received any information We have... Read more

  • Andrew Brady

    Increase of traffic on the A444, this road is already over capacity and it not fit for purpose being less than 6.7 mtrs in many place. Loss of good agricultural land, food security is vitally... Read more

  • British Hedgehog Preservation Society (British Hedgehog Preservation Society)

    Thank you for contacting us about this consultation. Hedgehogs numbers have declined by up to 75% in rural areas since the year 2000 and research shows that numbers are still falling. A major factor... Read more

  • Stuart Slater

    I don't think this should go ahead, instead people should be sought out that are willing to have the solar panels on their roofs, not taking up land.

  • Zoe Hammond

    This project will use agricultural land. I understand energy security is important, but food security is too. If projects like these continue we will have no/limited agricultural land for food/feed... Read more

  • Beverley Evans

    This solar farm is going to make a huge detrimental effect on our village. Taking land out of agriculture, increasing traffic problems and ruining the natural habitat. Rosliston is a small village... Read more

  • David Potter

    Cancer Land use after

  • Jared Wainwright

    Solar farm are an oxymoron. You will be destroying acres of habitat for something that won't work for most of the year. We do not get nearly enough sunshine for solar farms. Renewable energy is great... Read more