Oaklands Farm Solar Park

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 76 to 100 of 330 representations, newest first.

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  • Coton In The Elms Parish Council (Coton In The Elms Parish Council)

    Best and Most Versatile Land (BMV) - put solar on rooftops not on good agricultural land and food security needs prioritising. Glint and Glare issues from the vast solar arrays. Detrimental Landscape... Read more

  • Sarah Hilton

    Traffic impact on Walton. Also potential flooding and destruction of best and most versatile land.

  • Jacqueline Carwardine

    I object to the project on the grounds of the adverse environmental impact for local residents in setting up and maintaining the project and the loss of good agricultural land and associated skills.... Read more

  • Barbara Marsh

    The development of the warehouses along the A38 corridor between Burton and Lichfield provides structures that can support solar panels on their rooves without the distruction of prime agricultural... Read more

  • Mr Graeme Timms

    This solar panel farm borders onto my father in laws farm, destroying the beautiful landscape, impact on nature in many forms, excess traffic in area and heavy vehicles.

  • Mrs Denise Timms

    This solar panel farm borders onto my fathers farm, destroying the beautiful landscape, impact on nature in many forms, excess traffic in area and heavy vehicles.

  • Jacqueline Elliott

    I have issues with using ant half decent agricultural land which given the state of the world at the moment, may well be crucial to food generation, construction traffic and the damage to already... Read more

  • Suman Antcliffe

    I live in Coton in the Elms a village near the proposed site . Our narrow winding rural roads are unsuitable for large vehicles and access into the village is a problem for HGVs due to narrow roads .... Read more

  • Caroline Bull

    I travel these lanes nearly everyday to and from Barton Under Needwood. We all have problems with flooding since the new housing estate has gone up on the old Drakelow site and these fields are vital... Read more

  • J & H Suter

    Farmland should be farmed. This project is a drain on our food security and is better suited to brownfield sites. **17 April 2024 in PMQs, the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, reiterated the importance of... Read more

  • Lesley Grady

    I live in Coton and very concerned about the impact this development will have on the village and surrounding area. I am not against solar panels, we have them on our roof, but I do object to valuable... Read more

  • Sarah Elliott

    The current infrastructure of the local rural area is not able to sustainably support this project. The local area already sees flooding after moderate rainfall closing the majority of roads and the... Read more

  • Andrew Passey

    Oaklands NSIP Solar Farm EN010122 We would like to express our disapproval and horror at the intrusive plan to impose this industrial project on the quiet and productive agricultural area between... Read more

  • County Councillor Stuart Swann

    Many residents in the Linton Division of Derbyshire, whom I represent as their County Councillor, object strongly to this planning application for a huge solar farm on quality agricultural land... Read more

  • Patricia Clamp

    Uk is loosing too much land for food production to solar farms. I don’t object to solar panels just where they will be sited when they should be sited on industrial units, factories and newbuilds.

  • Suzanne Passey

    Oaklands NSIP Solar Farm EN010122 We would like to express our disapproval and horror at the intrusive plan to impose this industrial project on the quiet and productive agricultural area between... Read more

  • Andrew Wiggins

    This can not go ahead it will ruin the land and cause damage to the environment

  • Gary Dexter

    This proposal is unacceptable on the following grounds: 1/ Local roads cannot deal with HGV traffic. They are too damaged already and too narrow to see 2 way traffic against such large vehicles. There... Read more

  • Gerard Francis Grady

    I am all for renewable energy ( We have had solar panels on our home for 12 years ) but I do not agree with this solar farm proposal. This development will not only be visible from our home, it will... Read more

  • Idris Roberts

    I am concerned about Access to walking routes and the visual impact. The disruption to travel and the impact and change on the local wildlife.The older Chinese built solar panels have been built with... Read more

  • Jacqueline Grogan

    Our Villages will be ruined by Construction work and the killing of wild life

  • Joanne Elizabeth Frances Halifax

    * already a magnet for HGV. Any more traffic through narrow streets/roads is untenable. * no footpaths on many of the affected routes. Real danger to life. * no justification for using this site.... Read more

  • Trisha Taylor on behalf of Keith and Pat Taylor (Keith and Pat Taylor)

    Coton in the Elms is in an area including Rosliston and Walton on Trent that are very quaint and one of the last areas that are like this. The whole area is abundant of wildlife including trees and... Read more

  • Lynda Joan Cooper

    Loss of quality farmland. We need the land to grow our own crops and be more self sufficient.. Why can't the the panels be put on farm buildings, warehouses, industrial units and the like? The... Read more

  • Anna Rooney

    Significant and permanent changes to the landscape will cause great unhappiness and the likelihood of this returning to its original function is non-existence really and certainly not within my life... Read more