Oaklands Farm Solar Park

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 125 of 330 representations, newest first.

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  • Donald Stanley Coaster

    What do the local residents get in return for all the disruption, delays and loss of habitat with this project? For 6 months of consistent electricity production per year?

  • Gary Rooney

    The loss of some 400 acres of good quality farmland is unnecessary and lamentable and will result in an ecological loss of wildlife, due to the destruction of huge amounts of natural habitat such as... Read more

  • Geraldine McCauley

    I wish to protest about the planned Solar Farm at Oaklands Farm between Rosliston and Walton . The landscape will be totally swallowed up by these proposals and fine agricultural land will be... Read more

  • Glenice Aston

    Total distruction of environmental beauty of which we have lived in for 52 yrs. Lanes and roads to narrow for HGV vehicles. Solar panels will be seen over the fences and hedges. Weight limit through... Read more

  • Margaret Leech

    I have a number of concerns about this proposal: - The loss of BMV (best and most valuable) farmland; surely the rooftops of commercial and domestic properties are a more sensible location for panels... Read more

  • Michael Aston

    Travel disruption roads and lanes too narrow for HGV lorries Loss of environment to beautiful village and surroundings Glint and glare for months of year. Plastic will need to be used to stop glint... Read more

  • Sandra Evitts

    My concerns are with the vast amount of quality farmland that will be taken up by this project. Farmland that this country desperately needs for the production of food. The beautiful landscape that we... Read more

  • Sian Quigley

    I am deeply concerned about the issues this will cause, the roads around the area are already in urgent need of repair. The additional traffic per day from HGV's is going to cause even further... Read more

  • Steven Frederick Mills

    I am a local resident to the proposed site of the Oaklands Solar 'Farm'. I firmly believe the use of highly productive virgin farmland is the totally wrong option for solar panel sighting. We must put... Read more

  • Gary Chamberlain

    This will be devastating for our area and the miss use of green space with all the trouble in the world we need food security This site is totally unsuitable and will destroy the local area

  • Lullington Parish Meeting (Lullington Parish Meeting)

    Lullington Parish meeting Concerns regarding NSIP Oakland reference EN010122 In summary there are significant concerns regarding: 1. The significant loss of best & most versatile agricultural land... Read more

  • Matthew Jefferson Evans

    This will devalue the properties in the local area, will cause light pollution and potential risk to road users. Will remove viable farming land. Increase the risk of flooding in an already flood... Read more

  • Olivia Nicholls

    Objection to the proposed Oakland's farm solar power project. I object to this development on the basis of 400 acres of good quality agricultural land being wasted on solar panel instead of food... Read more

  • Richard James Nicholls

    Objection to the proposed Oakland's farm solar power project. I object to this development on the basis of 400 acres of good quality agricultural land being wasted on solar panel instead of food... Read more

  • Samantha Whitehouse

    I object to this site being built because there’s already a high volume of hgv’s going through Coton and I have a dog and 2 small children and godforbid if they accidentally ran into the road and got... Read more

  • Susan Campion

    At a time when food security is becoming increasingly more important I do not wish to see 400 acres of agricultural land lost under solar panels which could be better sited on building rooftops. It is... Read more

  • Susan May Moore

    Objection to the proposed Oakland's farm solar power project. I object to this development on the basis of 400 acres of good quality agricultural land being wasted on solar panel instead of food... Read more

  • Tracy Anthony Moore

    Objection to the proposed Oakland's farm solar power project. I object to this development on the basis of 400 acres of good quality agricultural land being wasted on solar panel instead of food... Read more

  • Kevin Abel

    1. What are the projected impacts on property values in the 3 villages affected? 2. Are there any direct benefits for the the population in the 3 villages affected (eg: cheaper electicity or... Read more

  • Micky Collingwood

    Significant loss of best and most versatile agricultural land and concerns about the affected land once returned at the end of the project. Visual impact on landscape due to the enormous scale.... Read more

  • Amy Barfield

    The local roads are unfit for purpose and are not well managed by the local councils. Poor signage, lack of reasonable speed limits and subsidence are a big problem. HGV’s travelling through the... Read more

  • Brian Poole

    I wish to register my objection to the proposal of Oaklands Farm Solar Ltd to be built between the villages Rosliston, Walton on Trent and Coton in the Elms. The thought of digging up hedgerows &... Read more

  • Chung Yuen Ying

    I strongly disagree with the solar panel project, it will destroy the good quality farmland and living quality in the area!

  • Clare Swash

    I totally disagree with the solar farm plans going ahead ! Not only will it be an eyesore the beautiful countryside will be ruined there is also the damage to wildlife and their habitats. I really do... Read more

  • Dawn Billings

    I am greatly opposed to these plans. A very large area of the local countryside will be affected which will have an impact upon wildlife and the beauty of the area. This district is already becoming... Read more