
West Burton Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 226 to 250 of 354 representations, newest first.

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  • Allison Eager

    The cumulative impact of 4 projects will be devastating on that section of Lincolnshire countryside, an area known for its beauty and tranquility. Whilst I understand the need to produce green energy,... Read more

  • Carolyn Anne Wilson

    I am concerned about the maintenance of the site and need to know what will happen to the panels at the end of their life. I am concerned about dangers of lithium and ion batteries to health. I am... Read more

  • David Kirton

    I am a avid bird watcher so the removal of miles of hedging especially Hawthorn which is recognised as one of the very best hedges for wildlife as it can support over 150 different species of insects... Read more

  • Emma Hill

    my husband and i own a field on the grid connection corridor to the proposed solar panels , we have obtained planning permission to build 2 agricultural buildings and yard on our field to create an... Read more

  • Frank Donaldson

    No to land being used for wind and solar power. The North Sea is the place for this money making scheme. What happened to tree and hedge row planting for tax or has that scheme stopped now in favour... Read more

  • George Roworth

    It is very disappointing that it is deemed necessary to remove productive arable farm land from the food and energy chain when the resources could surely be used to offer solar panels on rent free... Read more

  • Mark Edgar

    My main concerns are the loss of agricultural, food producing land and the loss of habitat for wildlife

  • Samantha Curtis

    I am wholeheartedly against this project using Lincolnshire agricultural land

  • Andrew Cawkwell

    As a business owner in this area NEVILLE BARNES LTD Agricultural engineers and supplier of agricultural spares My business would be greatly impacted by these solar proposals in short my business would... Read more

  • Lynne Tyers

    In my opinion both food security and energy security are both important. It seems to me that taking away perfectly good farm land in order to erect solar farms, which let's face it, are an inefficient... Read more

  • Michael John Chamberlain

    Solar panel should be put on factories and housing not land that is used for food production

  • SNSE Ltd (SNSE Ltd)

    We object to the proposals for inclusion of infrastructure across the landowner client's land which affects their existing and future use of the land in question, south of West Burton Power Station.

  • SNSED Ltd (SNSED Ltd)

    We object to the proposals for inclusion of infrastructure across the landowner client's land which affects their existing and future use of the land in question, south of West Burton Power Station.

  • Alan Gosling

    Why take up valuable farm land and destroy hedges, I realise it will only be a very small percentage of agricultural land lost but as more projects happen then the percentage will go up, I realise... Read more

  • Ben Clark

    I support the campaign that we shouldn’t lose any of our hedgerows. I’m not opposed to solar panels but it needs to be on people’s roofs, not put in to the detriment of nature

  • Marton & Gate Burton Parish Council (Marton & Gate Burton Parish Council)

    Marton & Gate Burton Parish Council would like to comment on the number of solar farms being proposed for the West Lindsey and surrounding areas. Whilst it is recognised that the established Power... Read more

  • Sally Elizabeth Johnson

    I am concerned that farm land which we need to produce food will be industrialised. I think our beautiful countryside which we all enjoy will be ruined and the wildlife that need the trees hedges and... Read more

  • Andrew John Carr

    The idea of taking productive agricultural land out of use to depend on more imported food is sheer madness. This is part of the scramble to provide expensive, unreliable green energy by a method... Read more

  • Anthony Grice

    Our wildlife is very dependent on these natural habitats, and the destruction of hundreds of miles of hedgerow will be devastating for the thousands of animal and insect species that inhabit them. At... Read more

  • Fillingham Parish Meeting (Fillingham Parish Meeting)

    1. Fillingham Parish Meeting (FPM) is against the proposed West Burton Solar Project large-scale development, because of its limited contribution to decarbonisation and the adverse consequences... Read more

  • Francis Wolfe

    I am concerned whether there will be any effect on the traffic on Church Lane, Broxholme, where my house lies. This leads to the agricultural land where the planned panels would be placed: 1) Dog... Read more

  • Janet Dover

    I am vehemently opposed to the siting go of Solar PV 1) on fertile agricultural land, particularly in this uncertain period of conflicts and difficulties in international shipping & supply of food... Read more

  • Janet Kay Drake

    I am appalled by the present policies of this government regarding net zero. With a change of government sadly this will also be the policy. People are becoming poorer as a result and losing valuable... Read more

  • Linda Norris

    The proposed removal of so many established hedgerows is particularly disturbing! Back in the 1970s many big land owning farmers took out large swathes of hedging with disastrous results, soil erosion... Read more

  • Margaret Plumtree

    The hedgerows should not be ripped put, this is too destructive and must not be done!