
West Burton Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 125 of 354 representations, newest first.

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  • Jill Cowley

    I live next to the proposed site and am concerned to have my views heard during the consultation period.

  • David Turnock

    1. All FOUR applications that effect 10,000 acres should be viewed together. 2. Food production is vitally important to the countries self sufficiency particularly in this time of conflicts and... Read more

  • Joanne Cort

    All local projects should be examined together and not individually. Farmland should be retained for food production. Putting solar panels on farmland isn’t the best place for them, use brownfield... Read more

  • Knaith Parish Council (Knaith Parish Council)

    West Burton – Representation Comments: • This application is just 1 of 4 (currently) within a few miles of each other. The total area would amount to around 10,000 acres. These 4 projects, at present,... Read more

  • Robert Cort

    I object to the proposed West Burton Solar Project for the following reasons:- Whilst I agree that solar power is a source of energy that needs to be considered, the solar farms should be built on... Read more

  • Joanna Favill

    The land upon which this project is proposed is already working hard for the U.K. by producing food. It is not degraded. It also provides access to nature for people and habitat for wildlife. These... Read more

  • Katherine Powell

    I have great concerns over the size of the proposed plan not only the physical size of the panels themself but also the amount of them especially with the other 3 proposed solar farms being so close... Read more

  • Philip Hodgkinson

    Scale and cumulative impact Visual impact changing the rural landscape

  • Susan Diane Bingham

    This is the third of four solar farm planning applications in our area. All of them need to be considered together because of the huge impact the cumulative upheaval would cause to our rural area. As... Read more

  • Anna Leckey

    Sheer Scale and Transformational Effect The sheer scale of what this solar farm project, in conjunction with the other 4 that are planned around Gainsborough will without doubt inflict such a gross... Read more

  • Gordon Edward Allen

    1. Whilst the much needed power generation for the country, this enormous project on farmland is an unacceptable visual intrusion on the surrounding villages from Saxilby northwards. Farmland is for... Read more

  • Kate Skelton

    The West Burton Solar Project is one of four NSIP proposals in a small area of West Lindsey, covering 10,000 acres of farmland. With Lincolnshire already earmarked for around 20,000 acres of solar... Read more

  • Simon Breeze

    Firstly please do not link this project with the other 3 projects in the local area. This proposed scheme is far too large and will have a detrimental effect on local bio diversity, nature as well as... Read more

  • Carol Montgomery

    I wish to object in the strongest terms to the industrialisation of the Lincoln edge by the development of this precious agricultural land for solar panel developments.

  • Cllr Richard Butroid

    The main issues are, loss of farmland, impact on wildlife due to fencing of the site, concerns over battery storage and fire, loss of views and the feeling of being part of the countryside, and the... Read more

  • David Davies

    The solar panel projects in this area will cover a huge area of beautiful agricultural land. It will completely destroy the countryside and will take away much needed agricultural land. Green space is... Read more

  • Jeremy Paul Fieldsend

    This scheme is wholly disproportionate and when considered alongside neighbouring solar array schemes creates environmental, ecological, highways and economic impacts with the potential to do... Read more

  • Joan Snowden

    Mental health of locals Disruption to everyday life Constitution traffic roads are single track Damage to nature Devaluation of local properties Many more to extensive to list

  • Paul Wray

    I object to this project for the following reasons 1, Loss of agricultural land ,at a time when our food supply is severely challenged 2, The accumulative effect of West Burton solar project and so... Read more

  • Timothy Leckey

    This project needs to be considered alongside all the other huge solar projects planned in the local area. These combined will destroy the naturally beeautiful countryside as well as put many tenant... Read more

  • Broxholme Parish Meeting (Broxholme Parish Meeting )

    Broxholme Parish Meeting Community Statement Broxholme Parish Meeting Chairperson: Robin Seeley May 2023 To: PINS From: Broxholme Parish Meeting Solar Farm Research Working Group Re: Island Green... Read more

  • Clare Brufton

    I am against this proposal. I consider myself to be very green but I think the installation of solar panels on such a huge scale is a total disaster. Firstly I don’t think West Burton solar farm... Read more

  • Frank Brufton

    I am against this proposal. I consider myself to be very green but I think the installation of solar panels on such a huge scale is a total disaster. Firstly I don’t think West Burton solar farm... Read more

  • John Montgomery

    I strongly oppose the development of productive agricultural farm land, not just in Lincolnshire (known as the breadbasket of the country) but anywhere. In a time where food security is a huge issue,... Read more

  • Philip Taylor

    I have objections to the proposed development for the following reasons. This is one of 4 applications either due to be made or already at the planning approvals phase. All four proposals need to be... Read more