
Cottam Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 226 to 250 of 555 representations, newest first.

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  • James Alldritt

    I strongly object to this project. This project is only 1 of 4 in this area where I live, this project alone at over 3000 acres the shear size and visual impact of all these solar panels in flat... Read more

  • Janet Keown

    Impact on the environment and poor use of high grade agriculture land

  • Kay Airey

    I do not like the fact that this will be so close to residential properties. I believe the visual impact on our village will affect everyone who lives or visits here. Surely all of the factories and... Read more

  • National Highways (National Highways )

    National Highways has been appointed by the Secretary of State for Transport as a strategic highway company and is the highway authority, traffic authority and street authority for the Strategic Road... Read more

  • Nicola Marsh

    The loss of usable farm land will be detrimental to the food industry, the farmers and their families, especially in the case of tenant farmers. The fencing being proposed at the intended solar land... Read more

  • Richard Farley

    My overriding concern is that it is incongruous to be considering this Cottam proposal in isolation since it represents but a fraction of the four solar farm schemes covering circa 10,000 acres. Such... Read more

  • Robert G Keown

    Impact on the environment and use of agricultural land

  • Sturton by Stow Parish Council (Sturton by Stow Parish Council)

    Sturton by Stow Parish Council have the following observations; Whilst we are not against the principal of solar power the land which will be used for Cottam, West Burton, Gate Burton and Tillbridge... Read more

  • The Derry family (The Derry family) on behalf of The Derry family (The Derry family)

    Our property will overlook the Solar Farm. At present, this land is valuable farmland, with change of crops grown year after year. The annual harvesting of crops in these fields is wonderful to see.... Read more

  • Christine Elizabeth Larkin

    I am appalled to read about this planned project and very saddened. Lincolnshire is known for its agricultural land and should remain so. The enormous loss of this land, along with associated jobs, is... Read more

  • Graham Rowles Nicholson

    The proposed solar project would be a good use of this poor quality land to produce much needed low carbon electricity for the national good.

  • James Rowles Nicholson

    Green sources of energy need to be built for the UK to meet its environmental / sustainability commitments.

  • Jennifer Mary Williams

    You are using good agricultural land.

  • Margaret Warren

    In the plan Stow Lane is an access road for construction. If used by heavy vehicles up to 36 times a day during construction the road would quickly become unusable for normal traffic due to erosion... Read more

  • Anthony Edward Fields

    I believe the impact of large area's of solar panels on the landscape and countryside would be devastating to both farming, wildlife habitat and the surrounding vista. Agricultural land should be... Read more

  • Joanna Favill

    The land upon which this project is proposed is already working hard for the U.K. by producing food. It is not degraded. It also provides access to nature for people and habitat for wildlife. These... Read more

  • Marie Holderness

    My concerns are simple the huge waste of prime agricultural land, there are better places to put solar panels i.e on the roofs if industrial buildings, the impact these farms will have on the local... Read more

  • Alix Ann Quittenton

    I’d like to register to oppose the solar farm project. This will a detrimental impact not only on the views of our countryside but also the wildlife’s habitats; not to mention the harmful emissions... Read more

  • Gavin Gatliffe

    Iam interested in this project, along with the several other solar farms proposed for the local area, as this will severely impact my day to day living. What is most disturbing is that each individual... Read more

  • GregoryPowell

    I am against the project 100% , 1 this is farm land and should be used such We keep being told that the country needs to be more self sufficient in our supply of food . Taking away 7000 acres of... Read more

  • Richard whiting

    Surrounds small Lincolnshire village.Area will become solar valley,panels and nothing else.Destroying local agriculture and habitat.Far too large for the area,compromising scenery turning the area... Read more

  • Simon Hunt

    I object to all 4 Cottam projects on the grounds that they are enormous, and would destroy swathes of agricultural land on the Lincoln side of the Trent. Whilst I agree renewable energy sources are... Read more

  • Stuart McQueen

    I’m concerned at the intentions to develop solar farms to the detriment of the rural countryside, viable and essential farm land, impact on wildlife The technology being insufficient to meet... Read more

  • Victoria Quittenton

    I would like to register to oppose the plans. The panels will not only ruin the view of our beautiful countryside, but the batteries also give off harmful EMFs which may harm the local wildlife, land,... Read more

  • Beverley j Shaw

    I do not want to live in an area where fields are acre upon acre of grey panels, I chose to live in the countryside