
Cottam Solar Project

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    This sounds positive . However to be sure more detail is required

  • Sarah Smith

    I’m worried about the loss of habitat and biodiversity that the solar farm will cause as well as the removal of good quality farm land at a time when we need to be more self reliant. This will change... Read more

  • Elaine Stiles

    1) The Cottam proposal is just one of four Nationally significant Solar Projects which will extend to 10,000 acres in this immediate area so should not be looked at independently as the accumulative... Read more

  • Frederick Ellis

    Dear Planning inspectorate, I am totally opposed to inefficient solar farms and battery storage on UK farmland, this country does not have the land and there is far too much competition to accomodate... Read more

  • Hannah Lockwood-Geck

    The UK’s energy security is important, however the countries food security, job security and local communities should be considered just as important. The Cottom Solar Project in question is just one... Read more

  • Jeremy Bingham

    We desperately need this development and it needs to go ahead. Please ignore the nimbys and get it built.

  • Patricia Evelyn Hoddinott

    I think that all four projects should be considered together as this then becomes an enormous site in one small rural community.



  • Sallyann Constable

    To site the world's largest battery energy storage systems close to a small village is a risk to life. The loss of 10,000 acres of good productive arable land should not be tolerated and increases the... Read more

  • Stephen Constable

    These are the main issues and impacts regarding this industrial development. 1) This development is listed as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project and is one of four that are sited just a... Read more

  • Sue Smith

    I am concerned re thei mpact on local residents, residencies, (ie property prices) Loss of valuable agricultural land. Loss of natural habit for birds, wildlife and flowers....I want my Grandchildren... Read more

  • Anne Tomkins on behalf of Tomkins (Tomkins )

    Our first concern is the size of these solar farms! These are enormous and the impact on the villagers/communities that will be surrounding my these infrastructures will be colossal. Then there’s the... Read more

  • Alec James Murray

    This proposal is one of four projects in the same area of fertile agricultural land and should not be examined in isolation.

  • Blake Coghill

    Detrimental impact on roads and traffic during building Reduction of farm land Detrimental impact on wildlife and corridors of travel for wildlife Detrimental impact on valuable scenic views... Read more

  • COTT-GDPR001

    I write to oppose the plans for these solar farms of massive proportions around my home and in the surrounding area. This has been heartbreaking news my family and it frustrates me that it now seems... Read more

  • Edith Margaret Murray

    10000 acres of prime agricultural land is so wrong to be taken for a Solar Farm. All 4 should be looked at together.3000 acres in the Cottam solar proposal will take up too much land which is used for... Read more

  • Glynn Woon

    I am strongly opposed to using valuable food producing land for solar panels. I support actions to fight climate change, but solar panels should be on brown field sites and the roofs of domestic... Read more

  • Graham Ian Worthington

    I cannot countenance the loss of prime agricultural land at a time when as a country we need food security. The marketing material of the contractor is duplicitous. As electricity produced is sold at... Read more

  • James Peter Bateman

    This is a totally inappropriate and stupid use of farm land which is currently in use feeding the population. It has been shown very clearly by current world wide events that we need to produce more... Read more

  • Ken Phillips

    The demand for energy continues to increase and events of the past 12 months have illustrated ever more clearly the need for national energy security. In my opinion this project is another positive... Read more

  • Malcolm Salter

    I live at High Mount in the village of Cottam . I am objecting to the road widening through Cottam Village for heavy large construction traffic .At present it is a single track road in a quiet village... Read more

  • Sharon Vera Kathleen Mosedale

    Excellent idea

  • Stephen William Spence

    Destruction of wildlife habitat. These panels are surrounded by deer fencing excluding wildlife from their natural habitat. High concentration of solar farm applications in the West Lindsey area. Good... Read more

  • Virginia Platts

    Much of my life is now spent in the Fillingham area of Lincolnshire and I am shocked by the Cottam Solar Project and all the other solar farm plans in the area. I have discovered that they will cover... Read more

  • Adrienne Hazel Longmore

    The way this project has been presented as a single project when the total of all four is 10,000 acres of farm land. Where will food be produced when this land is covered with solar panels etc? Not... Read more