
Cottam Solar Project

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Showing 151 to 175 of 555 representations, newest first.

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  • Carla beaumont

    I am against the use of farm land for solar panels. Lincolnshire is a important food producer and should not be taken out for solar. The scenic views from middle street on top off cliff looking down... Read more

  • Caroline moore

    My main concern is the size and scale of the proposed developments. The solar panels are very large and will have a detrimental effect on the natural flora and fauna in the countryside. There is... Read more

  • Cher Ludlow

    This will have a detrimental impact on our village, our way of life and our beautiful countryside. This will devalue the price of every property in these villages. We need to be producing food to feed... Read more

  • cheryl felix

    I am vehemently opposed to the desecration of thousands of acres of countryside, much on prime arable land, for a project such as the installation of thousands of inefficient solar panels. Our... Read more

  • Christine Durning

    I do not agree with the Solar Farms as no one has been able to tell me how they will dispose of the lithium batteries. It will stop the use of farm land to grow vegetable etc that we need. It was also... Read more

  • Claire gannon

    Impact on farm land. Impact on wild life inc bats foxes etc. traffic and impact on my life. Noise Health impact. Mental health and well-being House prices

  • Deborah Carr

    Concerned about the impact on our countryside, wildlife, provision of foodstuffs for the country not just this area

  • Elaine Jessie Hawkins

    The proposal for The Cottam Solar project, whilst a separate proposal, really should be viewed not only on its own merit but should be considered as a part of the 4 projects in total that are being... Read more

  • John Christopher Hawkins

    The proposal for The Cottam Solar project, whilst a separate proposal, really should be viewed not only on its own merit but should be considered as a part of the 4 projects in total that are being... Read more

  • John Edwards

    Creation of an unwanted micro climate, affecting the flora and fauna that exists in this rural area. As we are led to believe, small changes in temperature can cause unwanted and undesired changes to... Read more

  • Karen Salter

    This project is within 20 feet of my front door I purchased the property in 2021 November. I would never of purchased a property that I can see this awful monstrosity s from every window of my home.... Read more

  • Maureen Ann Allen

    The project is too large for such a small community. I have serious concerns about the development with such small roads totally unsuitable for the large vehicles being planned to use. Loss of... Read more

  • Mrs Sheila Joan Tymoszczuk

    I do not wish to see great high fences stopping wildlife (eg hares & Leverets deer foxes) stopped from roaming the countryside.I think the expanse of solar panels may confuse the many waterbirds into... Read more

  • Philip Hodgkinson

    This application is just one of several that should be considered as a whole . The individual schemes are too large and the total of them are far too large and will change the open rural landscape of... Read more

  • Richard Allarton

    Have concerns regarding agricultural land being used for energy generation

  • Simon Breeze

    .The proposal is Just 1 of 4 Solar, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other. Together this would be the largest solar farm complex in Europe and would... Read more

  • Stephen Wright

    Impact this development will have on farming and Wildlife

  • Alan Large

    Productive agricultural land should not be used for this project.

  • Clive boshier

    As there are food shortages recently due to excess costs, covering the land with solar panels will reduce food production even further.

  • David Mann

    The main issues are the loss of agricultural land, the impact on large wildlife, and the industrialization of the countryside

  • David Martin Curtis

    One of my main concerns is regarding climate change and food production. Our weather patterns seem to get more extreme with environmental experts predicting hotter drier summers, UK food production... Read more

  • Derek Marsh

    I am a supporter of renewable energy, but not at any cost. I do not support what appears to be a mad gold rush of solar developments on fertile agricultural land. I have recently been given a map... Read more

  • Elizabeth Dennett

    I’ve been living in the proposed solar panel area for 56 years. I’ve been running walking and cycling for over 40 of those. Running free, amongst nature and often with my clients, is our sanctuary. We... Read more

  • John Wilson

    This project isn’t appropriate it’s a waste of excellent agricultural land that this county so desperately needs in these current times of food shortages and inflationary pressures, solar panels... Read more

  • kevin buck

    I believe the projects proposed will have a detrimental impact on myself l, my family, my community and the surrounding countryside