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Representation by Natural England (Natural England)

Date submitted
30 September 2024
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

Natural England considers that the Applicant has provided insufficient evidence and is not yet satisfied that that the following issues have been addressed; Internationally designated sites • Potential loss of functionally linked land (FLL) for SPA / Ramsar birds. • Potential noise disturbance during construction to FLL for SPA / Ramsar birds. • Operational impacts to FLL for SPA / Ramsar birds. • Potential air quality impacts from construction traffic. • In-combination impacts Nationally designated sites • Overlapping internationally designated site impacts for the relevant SSSIs. • Potential air quality impacts from construction traffic. Soils and best and most versatile agricultural land • Aspects of the outline Soil Management Plan (oSMP) We will also provide a full relevant representations response letter addressing the above points to:
