East Yorkshire Solar Farm Examination timetable

The examination timetable shows the dates of events and deadlines for submissions.

If you have registered to have your say, you can do this in the examination stage.

The examination stage

The examination opened on 21 May 2024

The examination is expected to close on 21 November 2024

Have your say

Upcoming deadlines and events

9 July 2024 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1

Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1

9 July 2024 - Open Floor Hearing

Open Floor Hearing

10 July 2024 - Issue Specific Hearing 2 on Environmental Matters

Issue Specific Hearing 2 on Environmental Matters

11 July 2024 - Accompanied Site Inspection

Accompanied Site Inspection

Accompanied Site Inspection on Thursday 11 July 2024 starting at the Loftsome Bridge Hotel, Station Road, Wressle, Yorkshire, Y08 6EN from 09:15am (for a safety briefing) and departing at 09:30am.

23 July 2024 - Deadline 3


Deadline 3

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Comments on any submissions received by Deadline 2
  • Written summaries of oral contributions at hearings (if required)
  • Post-hearing submissions requested by the ExA (if required)
  • Applicant’s updated dDCO, EM, BoR, SoR, SNS and CA Schedule
  • Updated SoCGs
  • Updated Statement of Commonality of SoCGs
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17
  • Other

1 August 2024 - Examining Authority's Second Written Questions

Examining Authority's Second Written Questions

Publication of Examining Authority's Second Written Questions (ExQ2) (if required)

15 August 2024 - Deadline 4

Deadline 4

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Comments on submissions at Deadline 3
  • Responses to the ExAs Second Written Questions
  • Applicant’s updated dDCO, EM, BoR, SoR, SNS and CA Schedule
  • Updated SoCGs
  • Updated Statement of Commonality
  • Updated Section 106 Agreement/unilateral undertaking (if required)
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17
  • Other

3 September 2024 - Deadline 5

Deadline 5

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Comments on submissions at Deadline 4
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17
  • Other

18 September 2024 - Time reserved for hearings during week commencing 16 September 2024

Time reserved for hearings during week commencing 16 September 2024

Time reserved for hearings: Issue Specific Hearing(s) (if required) Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (if required)

1 October 2024 - Deadline 6

Deadline 6

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Comments on any submissions at Deadline 5
  • Applicant’s updated dDCO and EM
  • Applicant’s updated BoR, SoR, SNS and CA Schedule
  • Updated SoCGs
  • Updated SoCG and Statement of Commonality of SoCG
  • Final signed and dated Section 106 Agreement/Unilateral Undertaking (if required)
  • Updated Navigation Document/Guide to the application
  • Written summaries of oral contributions at hearings (if required)
  • Post-hearing submissions requested by the ExA (if required)
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17
  • Other

15 October 2024 - Publication by the ExA of The ExA’s schedule of changes to the draft DCO, Report on Implications for European Sites (RIES) and ExQ3

Publication by the ExA of The ExA’s schedule of changes to the draft DCO, Report on Implications for European Sites (RIES) and ExQ3

Publication by the ExA of:

  • The ExA’s schedule of changes to the draft DCO (if required)
  • Report on Implications for European Sites (RIES) (if required)
  • ExA’s Written Questions (ExQ3) (if required)

5 November 2024 - Deadline 7

Deadline 7

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Comments on submissions at Deadline 6
  • Comments on the ExA’s schedule of changes to the dDCO (if required)
  • Comments on RIES (if required)
  • Responses to ExQ3 (if required)
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17
  • Other

14 November 2024 - Deadline 8

Deadline 8

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Comments on submissions at Deadline 7
  • Applicant’s final dDCO - Final and/or updated DCO in editable and PDF formats to be submitted by the Applicant in the SI template with the SI template validation report
  • Applicant’s final EM
  • Applicant’s final BoR, SoR, SNS and CA Schedule
  • Summary Statements from Interested Parties
  • Final SoCG
  • Final Statement of Commonality of SoCG
  • List of matters not agreed where SoCG could not be finalised
  • Final Navigation Document/Guide to the application
  • Final Status of Negotiations with Statutory Undertakers
  • Final NPS tracker
  • Final signed and dated section 106
  • Responses to comments on RIES (if required)
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17
  • Other

21 November 2024 - Deadline for completion of Examination

Deadline for completion of Examination

The ExA is under a duty to complete the Examination of the application by the end of the period of six months

Past deadlines and events

7 May 2024 - Procedural Deadline A


Procedural Deadline A

Deadline for receipt by the Examining Authority (ExA) of:

  • Written submissions on the Examination Procedure, including any submissions about the use of virtual methods
  • Requests to be heard orally at the Preliminary Meeting

21 May 2024 - Preliminary Meeting


Preliminary Meeting

Blended Preliminary Meeting at The Parsonage Hotel and Spa, Escrick, York, YO19 6LF and virtually via Microsoft Teams.

21 May 2024 - Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) on the Draft Development Consent Order


Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) on the Draft Development Consent Order

Blended Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) on the Draft Development Consent Order at The Parsonage Hotel and Spa, Escrick, York, YO19 6LF and virtually via Microsoft Teams.

Please note that there is a reserve day for this hearing (if required) on Wednesday 22 May 2024 at the same venue commencing at 10:00am.

28 May 2024 - Issue by the Examining Authority of Examination Timetable and publication of Examining Authority's First Written Questions


Issue by the Examining Authority of Examination Timetable and publication of Examining Authority's First Written Questions

18 June 2024 - Deadline 1


Deadline 1

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Written summaries of oral submissions from Issue Specific Hearing held on 21 May
  • Post hearing submissions requested by ExA
  • Comments on Relevant Representations (RR)
  • Summaries of all RR exceeding 1500 words
  • Written Representations (WR)
  • Local Impact Report (LIR) from North Yorkshire Council
  • Statements of Common Ground (SoCGs) requested by the ExA
  • Statement of Commonality for SoCG
  • Responses to ExQ1
  • Submission of suggested sites to be included in any Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI) including reasons why the site needs to be visited on an accompanied basis and any access requirements 
  • Revised Application Guide from the Applicant
  • A Compulsory Acquisition Schedule from the Applicant
  • Status of Negotiations Schedule (SNS) from the Applicant
  • Updated Book of Reference (BoR) and Schedule of Changes to the BoR and tracked versions (if required)
  • Comments on any updated application documents
  • Notification of wish to have any future correspondence received electronically  
  • Notification of Statutory Parties of their wish to be considered as an Interested party (IP)
  • Notification of any Affected Person (AP) of a wish to speak at a Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH) 
  • Notification of an interested party of a wish to speak at an Open Floor Hearing (OFH)
  • Notification of wish to attend an ASI
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Examination Procedure Rules
  • Comments on any further information/submissions accepted by the ExA
  • Other

27 June 2024 - Deadline 2


Deadline 2

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Comments on submissions received at Deadline 1
  • LIR from East Riding of Yorkshire Council
  • Applicant’s draft itinerary for the ASI
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Examination Procedure Rules
  • Other

2 July 2024 - Publication by the ExA of ExA’s final itinerary for the Accompanied Site Inspection


Publication by the ExA of ExA’s final itinerary for the Accompanied Site Inspection