Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Karen Midgley

Date submitted
25 January 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The size of the proposed solar farm is so vast and will impact on the area. And the well being of the residents. The panals are in some cases less than 30 meters away from dwellings. The area is agricultural growing food for the country is more important than green energy. That isn't as green as they advertise. The shelf life of the panels is 40 yrs and with production and transportation from China.(one of the largest poluters) it will take 30 yrs before its carbon neutral. The roads in the area are in a bad state of repair from normal everyday traffic. So any construction traffic will only make them worse. Can I just point out that the quality of life and the tranquility for those living in the area will be severely affected by the noise and pollution caused by the construction. Also the single track roads are in no way suitable to be used by the amount and type of vehicles that will needed for construction. They roads are in an extremely bad state of repair at the moment due to the extra traffic that has been using them during the recent bridge closure. There is already wind turbines and an AD plant in the area. Plus other wind farms close by. The hedge rows and many oak trees will be under threat if they go a head with their plans. I am also concerned that they have not taken into consideration the drainage of the land which will need renewing before the 40 yrs are up. Also the fencing will not allow for the free passage of local wildlife. Forcing them onto the roads where they will cause accidents. There is also the fact that these panals are very close to residential properties, in some cases COMPLETLY SURROUNDING some properties. Not something that can be disguised by a few trees and bush's. Also the security on the site will be invasive, again with the close proximity to residential properties. With cctv and security lighting overlooking people's property. And as its such a large proposed area with police numbers on the area at an all time low. How can it not increase crime in the area. 40 years is not temporary and FOOD SECURITY as we keep being told is a high priority, why on earth are you even considering turning 3500 acres of arable farm land to industry.