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Representation by Donald Breach

Date submitted
26 January 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My particular interest is the proposed access route from Newsholme, Reference your letter dated 25/01/2024, ref.EYSF-S56-039 , enclosed map access point 16/87 and 16/86. After registering my objections to this access route at two of your consultation meetings and by letter to yourself dated 12 September 2023 I am surprised that this access route is still included in your plan. I consider the access route from Newsholme to be unacceptable for the following reasons; poor access to the village of Newsholme from the A36 main road. This is a straight, narrow road with a high volume of fast moving traffic, any vehicle travelling west to enter Newsholme will need to stop blocking the west bound carriageway creating the potential for rear end collisions. The loop road through Newsholme is designated as “UNSUITABLE FOR HEAVY COODS VEHICLES” the loop road through newsholme is a narrow single vehicle width road, there are no footpaths and pedestrians have to walk in the road Where footpath number 6 joins the loop road there is a blind corner and access is currently restricted by a power line support pole, power line, telephone lines and an oak tree. Due to these restrictions and the limited road width any large vehicle approaching footpath 6 from the east is unable to turn right onto footpath number 6 To turn on to footpath number 6 any large vehicle would need to enter Newsholme from the west junction off the A63 then drive through the village to the turn off the footpath / loop road junction is a stop for the local school bus. It is also the access point for locals and walkers who regularly use the footpath. There is an alternative access to the project works, Area 3c,from another point. The alternative would be to for all traffic to exit the main A63 road at the west entrance to Newsholme, follow Green Lane to access point 16/90 or continue to access point at Roland Hall Faan. Roland Hall Farm is the shortest distance from a public road to Area 3c and also provides access to the cable connection corridor that runs along the north boundary of Area 3c from Rowland Hall to Brind. Using this alternative route it would not be necessary for traffic to enter Newsholme village and the access route, from Newsholme would not be required. The original plan for The Scotland to England Link 2 Project also included a proposed construction access route from Newsholme following footpath number 6. Following consultation they have agreed that this is not a suitable point of access for construction traffic or heavy goods vehicles and a new construction access for this project will be installed from the main road I trust you will accept that the Newsholme is not an acceptable access route and change your plans accordingly.