Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Joanne Bernadette Clarke

Date submitted
27 January 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I had absolutely no correspondence from the developers or any Councilors regarding said proposed solar farm and I found out from some kind local person who had the initiative to drop a brochure through my door with only 5 days left to submit any objections, this is outrageous and underhand behaviour, plans were submitted in January 2022 yet we have heard nothing about it? The effect this proposed site will have on wildlife, our eco system that the government so greatly chirps on about that is declining, will decline even further or be non-existent, currently you see Hares, Deer, Foxes, Birds and Insects whenever you step out of your door and walk in our beautiful local countryside, this will all be gone, how is that environmentally friendly, how much wildlife do we need to lose because of the impact of these, loss of public footpaths, wildlife corridors, wildflowers and insects when the government goes on about the eco system and 'climate change' well they are contributing to the afore mentioned. How many vehicle movements will there be in the 2 years that this site will take to build, how much of a Carbon footprint will they have created in that time span?  Are all their vehicles electric one may ask? or will they be using diesel and petrol vehicles and generators??? What a joke!!! These once quiet country back lanes will be unsafe for cyclists, Walkers, dog walkers, children and horse riders as you cannot even get two cars passing each other safely without one having to pull off the lane to allow the other to pass. These lanes have a national speed limit applies to which will have catastrophic outcomes with continuous heavy vehicle movements. Where is one getting ones steel from to erect these monstrosities - China? because we certainly don't make steel in this country anymore! They talk about creating jobs in the area, what a con, the vast majority if not all of them will be supplied from outside areas or from across the water. How much Concrete are they going to use to erect said solar panels?   Where is said Concrete coming from, I highly doubt that they will be using local companies, they will just erect their own Mortar Silos. What happens when its time for these monstrosities to be taken down? the company (Boom Power) will go 'bust' and claim its gone into receivership leaving us the tax payers to pay for the removal of it all- which wont happen as they will just stay as they are going rusty and deteriorating into the ground being even more of an eyesore to the countryside and a hazard to all. The homes of everyone who live in this area will be devalued in the click of a finger, who would want to live amongst a jungle of solar panels nearly 5 meters high? We moved to this area because of the beautiful countryside and semi rural feel that our village and area had. They say the land used is of low grade quality, I beg to differ, this land has been farmed for centuries with no problems, it has been proven that a 3 acre City Farm can feed 10,000 people for a year, if you care to take the time to look up Will Allen on you tube. How many houses will this solar farm supply electricity to for one year in the local area? Solar AND Wind are fundamentally unreliable and are nothing more than a money scam, according to UK statistics the average amount of sun in the UK per year is 1400hrs, this equates to 58.3 days out of 365 days in the year?? Please tell me how this is a viable infrastructure plan? What are the panels going to be doing for the other 307 days of the year? The Government have just knocked down a Power Station at Eggborough that produced power all year round (that the British citizens of this country paid to have built may I add). Why is this project not being built on brown field sites? For example the Eggborough power station site??? These farmers that have been approached to be a part of this debacle are [Redacted] This project is not for the Greater Good, it is vandalism of the countryside. There is a business' owner in Spaldington who owns a Cable company - [Redacted] This project is nothing more than corruption at its best, with local said businessmen and councilors getting back handers with under hand dealings!! The impact on not just my mental health but others in the surrounding areas whose lives this will affect will be challenged causing unnecessary decline in mental health for all ages young and old as this project affects all age groups.