Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Sally Rylance

Date submitted
2 February 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My primary concern relates to the sheer size of the proposed solar farm and the proximity to our village. The scale of the project appears to be disproportionate to the rural location in which it is proposed. The industrial nature of such a large solar farm will have adverse effects and a significant impact on a number of communities. Trees and hedgerows take a long time to grow so the negative impact of the solar farm will be seen, especially as you enter the village, for a long time. Should the buffer zones be extended, particularly when viewed from Council roads. I am worried about the heavy traffic that will inevitably arise, especially during the construction phase. The increased volume of vehicles, particularly large trucks transporting materials and equipment, poses risks to the safety of our community members, particularly pedestrians and cyclists. The consultation document suggests that the maintenance depot will be based at the end of Spaldington village. There are no 30mph road signs on this road (tractors and farm machinery already drive down the road at speed), traffic will increase dramatically causing a further hazard and risk to all residents should the proposal go ahead. The strain on our local infrastructure, ie roads, will be significant, leading to potential damage and disruptions in everyday life. Of particular concern are the underground utilities including water, telephone and broadband which are under the verges and will be damaged should a vehicle pull off the road to let another go by. I understand that the maintenance depot will be operating 7am-7pm Monday to Friday, and 7am - 1pm on Saturday - for the duration of the construction (potentially up to 2 years), the volume of traffic entering and leaving the village will be markedly increased at times when people are at home, which will also have a noise impact as well. We are located at the junction of the village so all these additional vehicles will be stopping immediately outside our property at least twice per day, the noise and vehicle activity will transform our quiet location and there will be a significant negative impact with noise pollution and vibration from heavy vehicles.