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Representation by Mary Elizabeth Brown

Date submitted
8 February 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Concerned about the initial consultation process undertaken by Boom -our family have neighbouring land and dwellings adjacent to the project and we’re not consulted . Maps used were inaccurate and misleading. Concerned by the lack of detail Boom representatives were able to provide regarding issues raised at meetings, responses were considered unprofessional, dismissive and insensitive Concern about use of food producing land - for industrial use on a huge scale Boom used misinformation about current land use and current importance to national food chain Concern about effect on local wildlife habitat displaced by fences and industrialisation- noise, glare and light pollution etc. Concern about scale and impact on local communities and infrastructure in light of existing local developments and other similar projects within our community- it seems our region has been targeted for multiple developments over the past few years. Concern about the impact on the peace and tranquility of our land, our beautiful rural landscape will be destroyed for good Concern to learn about requirement of millions of concrete piles - how will the land ever be able to be used for food production again ? Concern about theft and crime coming to the area to steal copper from the panels and consequential further security measures- lighting etc. and impact on nearby residential property. Concern about extent of water run off from panels and impact on surrounding land and waterways Impact on clay field drainage pipes which will be destroyed by the piles having a knock on effect to upstream land and down stream waterways outside the scheme in an already flood sensitive area.