Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Elizabeth Breach

Date submitted
9 February 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Most of the roads in the area are single track roads which are not suitable for construction traffic. The Hamlet of Newsholme is designated as unsuitable for for heavy goods vehicles, Newsholme and the footpath between Newsholme and Brind should not be used as an access route for this project. Locating solar panels on farm l;and will reduce our capacity to produce food and make us more reliant on food imports in the future. The loss of 1445 Hectares of good quality farm land to produce electricity is unacceptable. Solar panels should be sited on brown field land or on the roofs of buildings, there are many hectares of roof space currently available in the UK. It should be a condition of any planning consent that all domestic and industrial building are fitted with solar panels so that they are self sufficient in electricity. A solar farm on this scale effectively converts a rural area into an industrial site which will have a significant negative impact on the quality of life the local residents. There should be a limit on the size and number of solar farms permitted in a given area to ensure the impact on the local environment is minimised