Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Dave Pinnock-Humble

Date submitted
11 February 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the proposed development on the basis of the following, all of which are due to (a) the size of area proposed to be covered by panels and (b) the unprecedented size of each panel and its motorised nature: Harm to landscape - industrialising effect of a solar farm of this scale - complete destruction of the unique landscape values of this part of Howdenshire. Realistically this will be a permanent loss as once permitted, the solar farm will be re-powered, extending its life indefinitely. There is no planning means of ensuring that it will be removed after 40 years; Harm to wildlife - displacement of deer, hares and foxes, all of which abound in this area. They will be displaced or die. Destruction of hedgerows on the scale proposed will have a catastrophic impact on bird, small mammal and insect life; Harm to amenity - The panels are proposed far too close to people's houses, in some cases surrounding homes on three sides. I understand that these panels are motorised and of a size never before used in the UK. They should be tested for noise and other impacts on amenity before being located anywhere near human habitation. It is not appropriate that the people of this area should be 'guinea pigs'; Harm to heritage - the many listed buildings of the area derive significance from their rural setting. While a small solar farm would not necessarily harm their settings, the sheers scale of this proposal will permanently change their setting from rural to industrial. Risk of crime - a development of this scale using solar panels of this size and with motorised components will be attractive to organised gangs of thieves who will target their copper and other components. This has hitherto been a low crime area - this developmemnt will attract criminality to our communities.