Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Mrs Elizabeth Pinnock-Humble

Date submitted
11 February 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am deeply concerned that given its enormous size, the proposed solar farm will have a highly 'industrializing' effect on the rural green belt. Both the size of the solar panels and the size of the development are expected to be the largest ever seen in this country. An industrial estate of this size would not be permitted in this location. As a local resident, I am strongly opposed to this development. This is a much appreciated landscape attractive to locals and visitors alike (who stay in holiday lodges and campsites nearby and cycle the lanes and footpaths). We love the ability to enjoy nature in a relatively tranquil place. Access to nature is good for our physical and mental health. Animals such as deer, rabbits, hare and birds of prey will be displaced and their populations devastated and the loss of hedgerows and green habitats will also lead to loss of hedgehogs, and reduced biodiversity. I am also particularly concerned about highways safety. I regularly use the roads in this area - which are single track - as both a motorist, pedestrian and cyclist and the movement of large vehicles during construction and then ongoing forwards maintenance is an obviously dangerous safety hazard for other users and will likely also damage the road verges making the roads less passable. I am also deeply concerned about an increase in rural crime associated with such a large development - while high 'prison like' fences, cameras and lighting will deter some opportunistic criminals, the presence of valuable metals and materials in the solar panels and associated infrastructure will attract criminal gangs and this may spread to opportunistic theft of nearby cars, houses and garages. These are my main personal concerns but there are other problems inherent in this scheme such as the loss of food production i.e. less food security at a time when international shipping and trade routes are increasingly threatened, the impacts of increased noise, loss of 'dark skies', and potential heat island effects from so many solar panels. Cumulatively the development would have a huge impact on the wellbeing of the local communities and tourism in the area, and our ability to enjoy nature while taking decades – if ever – to become ‘carbon neutral’ given the mining, construction, shipping, and inability to recycle solar panels.