Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Terrance Martin Beckitt

Date submitted
19 February 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My home will be too closely surrounded by the solar panels. Boom state in their application that they will try to minimise the flood risk from the run off water. The land in this area already struggles to absorb rain water as it has a high water table and the clay below does not allow the rain water to quickly drain away. The fields in this area already have large areas of surface flooding during heavy rain and when the solar panels supports are piled into the ground they will no doubt damage the land drainage systems that have been put in. I am sure that the run off will cause an increased chance of our property and paddocks flooding as the land in this area, because of the clay below, will not be able to cope. It would be very different if this land was sandy land, as sandy land drains quickly. Boom have stated that we have a conifer hedge which will block out our view of the solar panels. This conifer hedge is just a very small percentage of our boundry, the majority of which is stock fencing and a natural hedge which has many areas where the hedge has failed to grow, dispite our constant attemps to replant the gaps. The tracking solar panels that Boom are planning to use will be visable, due to their extreme height, from all of our paddocks, garden and our everyday kitchen/living room also our snug and bedroom east facing windows. They will tower over the conifer hedge which we keep at a managable height and will be seen over and through the hedge, especially in autum, winter and spring as the hedge is deciduous. We have very tall mature Oak and Poplar trees on our boundry and if they were to fall due to high wind then they may fall onto the solar panels. We moved here to be within the open countryside. we planted a short area of conifer hedge to protect our garden from the strong SW winds. We had planned to cut windows into the conifer hedge when it is fully mature so that we would get the views over the fields behind our property. We are the envy of our family and friends for living here, because of living in "this beautiful corner of Yorkshire" (also stated by Boom themselves!). I love the noise of the countryside, the bird song, the seasonal fox bark, the owls hooting, the rustling of the leaves in the breeze. We are outside for the majority of the day gardening, looking after ponies and walking our dogs along these lovely quiet country single track lanes. Our lives will change for the worse. During the construction phase there will be constant noise from all the machinery used to pile the thousands of supports into the ground, this has been estimated by boom to continue for 18 to 24 months. There will be noise from the machinery used to put the solar panels onto the supports. There are thousands of solar panels to be erected in the fields surrounding us. No-one would choose to live within a construction site. And the wild life that we enjoy so much will be dispersed. It will take a number of years for the wild life to recover when boom have finally finished their over 3,500 acre decimation of the land. The safe quiet,beautiful county lanes that we walk our dogs along will no longer be safe due to the increased construction traffic, they will no longer be quiet because of the construction works and no longer beautiful because, no matter how tall the hedge rows may be, the solar panels will be visable over and through the deciduous natural british hedge. When we are journeying home instead of seeing the beautiful countryside in which we are proud to live, we will just see fields full of solar panels and high wire security fencing This application is too large for such a small area of natural beautiful English countryside, My everyday enjoyment of living in this beautiful enviroment will be destroyed and it is difficult to contemplate how this will affect mine, my famlies and the many residents in this areas lives.