Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Jennifer Tiplady

Date submitted
19 February 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to the proposed Solar Farm development. I am a Howden resident, and have heard nothing about the proposed development from BOOM Power. I have only heard about it via residents of the villages that BOOM have decided this will impact directly. I do feel there has been a complete failing in the consultation process from BOOM Power, they have intentionally only informed a very very small area about the Solar Farm, so as to raise as few objections as possible. I went along to the consultation at the Shire Hall in Howden, again only notified about by VAST, and the responses (or non responses) from the BOOM Power representatives were terrifying - they stated that their surveys conveyed that there is no wildlife in the area, and that the Solar Farm would bring biodiversity to the area. Due to the way BOOM has operated so far, I believe that the results/findings from their reports CAN NOT not be relied upon in the consideration of this planning application - I believe independent reports need to be commissioned for the Planning Inspectorate to base their decisions on. The size and scale of this proposed Solar Farm will most definitely have an impact on a large area around it, as it is effectively turning 3000 of productive arable farmland into a huge industrialised site. Concerns being - the land being taken away from food production (especially now with food security being so precarious) The complete devastation of wildlife habitat. The noise and light pollution, as well as the invasion of privacy with cctv - the increased crime rate that comes with these Solar Farms, and it’s not just limited to the panels, the area and housing around will see an increase in crime, as evidenced at other sites. The increase in traffic on roads not designed for the volume, but also the size of vehicles needed in the building of the Solar Farm. Drainage will also be an issue - the damage to existing old drains as the panels are installed, the impact on rain run off that the panels will have on the ground, and the fact that the whole area and surrounding is flood plain. The above list is not exhaustive… I am not against Solar to help in our energy needs, but it needs to be in appropriate places - homes rooftops/industrial buildings/ car parks/ brownfield sites. Definitely NOT on agricultural, food producing land.