Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by John Heaton

Date submitted
21 February 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I’m concerned about the huge scale of this plan. It will turn a large area of countryside into an industrial landscape. I’m concerned about the impact on wildlife. Animals such as deer, hares rabbits, foxes and badgers, have well established runs all over this area. These will be completely blocked off to them, forcing them into smaller sites already occupied by existing animals. This will cause conflict amongst the animals, and also farmers who will see an increased number of creatures causing damage to their produce. I’m concerned about the effect on birds of prey that feed on ground prey. We have Buzzards, Kestrels and Owls throughout this proposed wind farm site. They will no longer be able to feed in the area, and be driven away, thus producing a sterile environment regarding wildlife for a much larger area than just the site. I’m also concerned that migrating geese and ducks which are known to fly over this area may try to land on these panels thinking it’s water and sustain injury. Another concern is for drainage. The area does not have good natural drainage and so after the First World War and subsequently drainage pipes have been installed. I understand there are no records of these and therefore no protection when the solar panel supporting posts are sunk into the ground. The likely damage to the drainage could cause serious flooding to the area itself, surrounding farm land, and the country lanes we all need access to. I’m also concerned about the disruption that will be caused in the area during the (2 year?) construction period as the narrow lanes leading to the planned site are unsuitable for large vehicles on the scale required to service the site.