Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Harriet Gore

Date submitted
21 February 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I highly object to this solar farm proposal. I am a resident of [Redacted], with family living in [Redacted], I have grown up in this area and I am disgusted at the thought of our beautiful countryside being destroyed with this industrial estate plan… The size of the area you are wanting to cover, the size of the solar panels themselves, the security fencing, security cameras, the list goes on! The impact that this will have on peoples mental health & well being is huge, it has already affected my mental well being with the stress & worry that this has placed on my family! My own family have always enjoyed walking/biking/ hacking out on our horses around this area to enjoy the countryside and to see family and if these plans go ahead we feel we wouldn’t be able to do this anymore due to safety with all the lorries being on the road and it would not have the same positive mental impact that it does now. There are multiple public paths in this area which sees lots of footfall which would ultimately stop as it would be in the middle of a huge solar industrial estate! I would also feel unsafe even driving on these roads with the amount of lorries that would be going up & down these single track with no passing places, therefore would cut me of from seeing my family! The roads are already in a state of disrepair and simply wouldn’t be able to stand all the extra traffic that the solar farm would bring! We are already in a national food sortage and we simply cannot give up valuable farming land! The theft in the area will also increase as thieves come to these areas where solar farms are to steal which is a very distressing thought! I cannot see any good reason why this solar farm proposal should go ahead!