Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Claire Platts

Date submitted
25 February 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly oppose the establishment of the East Yorkshire solar farm. Transforming fertile farmland, jeopardising our food security, into vast expanses of PV panels disconnected from the grid for potentially several years is illogical! Yorkshire boasts numerous colossal industrial warehouses with expansive roofs - why aren't these spaces being utilised? Beyond the threat to food security, the East Yorkshire solar farm poses significant risks to local birds, wildlife, flooding, and crime, resulting in potentially devastating consequences. The impending construction phase is alarming, promising noise, pollution, heightened traffic, road closures, and traffic lights elongating our daily commutes. Our narrow roads, challenging for two cars to navigate, will struggle with the presence of massive lorries, inevitably damaging verges and disrupting utilities. Having relocated to [REDACTED] with our two young children to relish the serene countryside and appreciate its wildlife, the East Yorkshire Solar farm threatens to strip them of these experiences. It feels like impending life within an industrial, high-fenced prison camp. This solar farm is going to be on our doorstep, we will not be able to escape it, it needs to be stopped!