Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Heather Longbottom

Date submitted
25 February 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I consider this application will have a detrimental effect on the countryside environment and the people who choose to live here because they want to live in a rural area not a semi industrial one. The Prime Minister recently pledged to support farmers and ensure food security which is as important as energy security. The land proposed is deemed to be poor grade but a lot of it currently produces crops. Where are we to get these lost crops from? We need a balance between energy and food security and not concentrate solely on energy because it is more profitable for large landowners. The roads in this area have already been decimated by large farm vehicles and will not be able to withstand the construction traffic that will be required to build the solar farm .Who will be responsible for mending the roads ? Some families are going to be completely surrounded by solar panels instead of looking onto open countryside, how is this fair? Residents have chosen to live and work in the rural East Riding . We do not have the facilities or transport links that towns have but that is a choice we have made. It appears that now we have to suffer living in an industrial area when ,with more planning and consideration for others ,solar panels could be sited on industrial buildings locally in Howden and Goole. What will happen to the panels as they age and become obsolete as technology develops? Who are the people behind Boom? What happens if they cease to exist in the future? It appears that the company has not considered the comments that were made during the consultation period.