Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Ms R Breach

Date submitted
25 February 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Apart from the A63 road, which is a busy road especially at peak times, majority of the roads around the area are single track roads, riddled with potholes and certainly NOT suitable for the heavy goods vehicles. There is even a blue road sign on the entrance to Newsholme on both sides from the A63 road which specifically states the road is UNSUITABLE FOR HGVs. The A63 road is dangerous as road users can be inconsiderate and can tend to speed and overtake after the sharp s bend from Howden on the straight bit of road heading to Wressle. Newsholme, and the footpath between Newsholme and Brind, therefore should NOT be identified as an access route for this project. There are other more suitable access routes that does not involved the single-track roads. The HGVs going along the single-track roads will be damaging for the HGVs and also maintenance for the road will increase at a cost to the East Riding Council. Locating the solar panels on farmland will reduce the UKs capacity to produce food and make us more reliant on food export in the future - all the energy and cost and fuel to rely on this is not sustainable and short sighted. The loos of 1445 hectares of good quality farmland to produce electricity is unacceptable. Solar panels should be sited on brownfield land or on the roofs of buildings, there are many hectares of roof space currently available in the UK. It should be a condition of any planning consent that all domestic and industrial buildings are fitted with solar panels so that they are self-sufficient in electricity with is more sustainable. A solar farm on this magnitude which effectively converts a RURAL area into an INDUSTRIAL site which will have a significant negative impact on the quality of life to the local residents, this can have a cascade effect on impacting, on the already strained, NHS. There needs to be a limit on the size and number of solar farms permitted in a given area to ensure that impact on the local environment is minimised. The East Riding of Yorkshire has already gone over the limited of wind turbines. If the solar farm of this magnitude goes ahead there will by nothing left of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council area. The East Rising of Yorkshire will be go from being known as a predominately rural area of farm land, to an industrial site of mainly HGVs going along unsuitable single track. Not a good image. Newsholme, and the footpath between Newsholme and Brind, therefore should NOT be identified as an access route for this project. There are other more suitable access routes that does not involved the single-track roads. The HGVs going along the single-track roads will be damaging for the HGVs and also maintenance for the road will increase at a cost to the East Riding Council. There will also be an increase in potholes. Locating the solar panels on farmland will reduce the UKs capacity to produce food and make us more reliant on food export in the future - all the energy and cost and fuel to rely on this is not sustainable and short sighted. The loos of 1445 hectares of good quality farmland to produce electricity is unacceptable. Solar panels should be sited on brownfield land or on the roofs of buildings, there are many hectares of roof space currently available in the UK. It should be a condition of any planning consent that all domestic and industrial buildings are fitted with solar panels so that they are self-sufficient in electricity with is more sustainable. A solar farm on this magnitude which effectively converts a RURAL area into an INDUSTRIAL site which will have a significant negative impact on the quality of life to the local residents, this can have a cascade effect on impacting, on the already strained, NHS. There needs to be a limit on the size and number of solar farms permitted in each area to ensure that impact on the local environment is minimised. The East Riding of Yorkshire has already gone over the limited of wind turbines. If the solar farm of this magnitude goes ahead there will be nothing left of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council area. The East Rising of Yorkshire will go from being known as a predominately rural area of farmland, to an industrial site of mainly HGVs going along unsuitable single track. The East Riding of Yorkshire Council has been known for artist to get inspiration from the farmland it also has the label of being ‘gods own country’ but it will become known as an eyesore.