Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Elaine Judith Chantry

Date submitted
26 February 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I totally oppose the proposed solar ‘farm’. Farms and agricultural land provide food to feed the growing population. Solar panels do not belong on agricultural land. They belong on the roofs of houses, warehouses, industrial buildings, car park roofs etc. The rural landscape currently provides homes for a lot of wildlife and it will become an industrial landscape with roads which cannot accommodate lorries and the infrastructure it entails. My quality of life will be affected in that I walk our dog most days on the public footpath from Newsholme. Whilst allegedly remaining, the footpath will be truly compromised. Who wants to walk between rows of solar panels? The walk is currently peaceful and tranquil apart from the sound of birds. There are ancient oaks and hedgerows, it is a pleasant walk across fields with long vistas. The ground is currently saturated. The land near the footpath is constantly wet hence the growth of willow. Farm vehicles have made huge ruts that hold water. Industrial machinery and vehicles will turn the land into a quagmire. The access to Newsholme is narrow lanes. The vehicles that use them have already damaged verges. We own 2 properties in the [REDACTED] and the verges in front of both are churned by the few vehicles that pass by. The increase in traffic will be horrendous down these narrow lanes due to an increase in lorries and machinery. This is a quiet rural hamlet. The only sounds are birds and the occasional barking dog. I have seen and heard videos of other solar ‘farms’. The noise from the pile drivers is deafening.The site is in close proximity to most of the houses in the hamlet. Green Lane and Rowland Hall Lane are totally unsuited to heavy vehicles- they are currently prohibited. Deer now roam the fields - will the fences keep them out and drive them onto the main road with the possibility of causing traffic accidents and insurance nightmares? Light pollution is also an issue. There is little lighting in this area. The lights will also use electricity- generated by the panels?