Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Emma Wood

Date submitted
28 February 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to the east yorkshire solar 'farm' as it is just too large for a rural agricultural area. I will be surrounded by indurstrialised land, and have to drive through security fencing and compounds to get to my home. I live here for a reason, the farmland, countryside and abundance of wildlife we are currently have. We already have wind turbines and an ad plant, and now they want to surround us in field upon field of solar panels. 40 years is not temporary, with houses devaluing, if sellable at all, as who whould want to live within a solar compound, with a major crime risk once built. The abundance of wildlife we have is going to decrease, the larger species being limited to corridors and pushed onto the roads, which are single track, causing injury and death, and increasing the risk of road accidents. Gribthorpe is a single track access road, we are cut off if anything blocks the road. As a horse rider, keeping my horses at home, I have to use these roads to exercise them, we have no bridleways, so I have no chose not to ride on the roads, which is going to be almost impossible and dangerous during construction period. Flooding is a real worry, due to being low lying heavy clay soil, that the current land drains will be destroyed aswell as the huge amounts of concrete to be used. long term health implication are not known. Productive agricultural land being lost for food production, livelihoods of local farming contractors lost. The landscape being changed beyond recognition. The quality of life, mental health and well being of us all that choose to live here. It is a ridiculous proposal.